Texas GOP Resolutions Addressing Issues in the Texas House
Republican Party of Texas resolutions addressing the betrayal in the Texas House.
Legislative Update Covering The Texas Legislature
What’s going on in the Texas House and why does it matter to the Republican grassroots? A presentation delivered by Christian Collins, Founder and President of the Texas Youth Summit.
Trump Cannot Save This Country All by Himself
It is so exciting to actually be represented by a politician who puts America and “We the People” first, but we also must address issues taking place in the Texas House. Our county and country depend on us.
Party Updates and Opportunities to Take Action
Texas has spoken, securing numerous victories in the recent election cycle! We gave it everything we had, and our efforts were rewarded. However, the fight isn’t over!
Urgent: Unite Behind the Republican Caucus Nominee for House Speaker
Walking out of this Saturday’s Republican caucus proceedings to solicit support from Democratic members and cut deals that undermine legislative priorities are intolerable acts of betrayal to Republican voters across Texas.
Is Your Republican Lawmaker Helping Democrats Gain Power?
Call your lawmaker today to ask who they are supporting for Speaker and whether they are committed to reforming the Texas House.
Thank You, Texas!
It is Good Morning in America again! Last night was nothing short of a miracle. We accomplished so much and saved our country.
Texas GOP Chairman’s Update
This week, over 2.8 million Texans have cast their ballots in this important election. While Texas Republicans have the edge, we must keep our guard up until we see victory on November 5.
Take Action on Noncitizens Voting in Texas!
We're in the middle of election season, and our Texas representation in Austin needs to hear from ALL of us about this troubling issue. We're asking that you take TWO actions. Please read carefully and act immediately.
Paxton Holding Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson Accountable
You need to know what AG Paxton has been doing to hold our Secretary of State accountable. Follow this timeline and prepare to be disgusted!
Action Alert! Call the Texas Secretary of State Today About Noncitizens Voting
“Limited Licenses” are issued to noncitizens, they expire when the lawful status is terminated, or must be renewed every year. They should NOT be used as voter ID in U.S. elections.
Texas GOP Chairman’s Update
An update on the Texas GOP's Get Out the Vote and Election Integrity efforts, including Montgomery County Commissioners' rejection of a voting system software upgrade.
Texas GOP Chairman’s Update
An update on the Texas GOP's Get Out the Vote and Election Integrity efforts, including training of poll watchers, poll workers, and lawyers through the Republican National Committee's "Protect the Vote" initiative.
Texas GOP Chairman’s Update
The Texas uniparty is trying to advance alternative policies in lieu of the Texas GOP Legislative Priorities. Members of Speaker Dade Phelan’s leadership team are trying to protect Democrat chairs. Contact your State Representative today and ask them to stop this practice.
Republican Party of Texas Statement on Sham Conviction of President Trump
Today’s kangaroo court verdict shows just how far Democrats will go to destroy those they simply disagree with. As Biden continues to weaponize the justice system against his political opponents we must draw a line in the sand.
Republican Party of Texas Advances Rule to Close Primaries
The Rules Committee of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) passed Rule 46 in a 26-4 vote last night to close the Republican Primary in Texas.
An Interview With RPT Chairman Matt Rinaldi
We strongly recommend all voters watch this video, especially those who were elected as delegates and alternates to the State Convention. The party’s policy role, the danger of allowing a government and candidate-led takeover of the party, closing the Primary so Democrats are unable to choose our Republican candidates, and what we need to do in the future.
A Heartfelt Thank You to Chairman Matt Rinaldi
The Republican Party of Texas expresses gratitude for Chairman Matt Rinaldi and all he has done for the Texas Republican Party.
2024 Texas Primary Election Analysis
While voter turnout across the state was down, in Montgomery County the GOP vote increased by 17,000 GOP votes compared to 2020. So why is Montgomery County able to continue to turn out the GOP vote so consistently?
State Party Chairman Issues Statement Confirming the Correct Temporary Chairs for Senatorial District Conventions
Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi has issued a letter confirming that the correct Temporary Chairs for the Senatorial District Conventions are: Dale Inman (SD 4), Dennis Tibbs (SD 7), and Lauren Vickers (SD 18).