Montgomery County, Texas, Ban Democrat Chairs ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County, Texas, Ban Democrat Chairs ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Resolution Urging Montgomery Co. Reps to Vote for the Caucus Nominee for Texas House Speaker

The Montgomery County Republican Party passed a resolution this morning calling for all members of the Texas House Republican Caucus, including Rep. Will Metcalf, to immediately unite behind the properly nominated candidate, Rep. David Cook.

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Texas, Ban Democrat Chairs, Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas, Ban Democrat Chairs, Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Urgent: Unite Behind the Republican Caucus Nominee for House Speaker

Walking out of this Saturday’s Republican caucus proceedings to solicit support from Democratic members and cut deals that undermine legislative priorities are intolerable acts of betrayal to Republican voters across Texas.

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Montgomery County County Chair Gwen Withrow Montgomery County County Chair Gwen Withrow

Happy Thanksgiving, Montgomery County!

It is good to celebrate and be thankful for this wonderful country God granted us. We are the most comfortable and most free people who have ever lived on this earth. It is up to us to remain vigilant so that our children and grandchildren will also know these gifts. 

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