The Texas Legislature
Your Elected Representatives
The 31 members of the Texas Senate and the 150 members of the Texas House of Representatives meet every odd-numbered year and convene for not more than 140 days per regular session. Regular sessions begin in January. The governor may call special sessions once the regular session has ended. Special sessions are limited to issues specifically stated in the governor’s call and may only meet for up to 30 days per session.
Legislative Priorities
The following priorities were chosen by delegates to the state convention, May 23-25, 2024, in San Antonio, Texas. Delegates were presented with a list of 15 topics selected by the Legislative Priorities Committee after a comprehensive review of resolutions passed at the precinct and senate district levels of the convention process. Delegates voted for their top 8 topics, which became the official Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas for the 89th Legislative Session.
Review the Legislative Process
The Texas Senate offers an easy-to-read Citizen Handbook and the Texas Legislative Council provides a booklet on the Legislative Process in Texas.
How to Follow Bills, Important Dates, & Helpful Tools
You can follow bills that have been filed from their introduction to signing or veto using Texas Legislature Online (TLO). Visit the links below to learn how to use TLO, view important dates in the 89th Texas Legislative Session, and other helpful tools.