Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Don't let PACs with ulterior motives fool you with their misleading mailers

Montgomery County is GROUND ZERO in the battle to save Texas and big money Democrats and RINOs will stop at nothing to flip Texas “Blue,” including sending misleading mailers to unsuspecting voters in Montgomery County.

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Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections, Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections, Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Why Does Texas Have Trouble Passing Conservative Legislation?

Conservatives are unknowingly electing RINO, Uniparty Republicans who DO NOT represent We the People. Democrats and left-leaning Republicans are hijacking the Republican name to get elected, but do not support Republican principles once they take office.

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Texas, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Texas Secretary of State Releases Harris County Audit Preliminary Findings

Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson has released preliminary findings from the audit of the November 2022 election in Harris County. She stated that Harris County clearly had multiple failures conducting the election and violated election law for estimating needed ballot paper.

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Texas, Secure the Border, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas, Secure the Border, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Take Action! Ask Gov. Abbott to add these urgent topics to his next Special Session call

Ask Gov. Abbott to call a Special Session addressing federal Central Bank Digital Currency, control of the border and child sex trafficking, state-level election law enforcement, electric grid protection, Biden’s mandated vehicular kill-switches, and NO COVID MANDATES!

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Senator Kolkhorst champions conservative legislation in the 88th Legislative Session

One of the Texas Senators representing Montgomery County, Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, filed a mountain of bills in the 88th Legislative Session focused on issues that matter to Montgomery County residents…

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Texas, U.S. Congress, Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas, U.S. Congress, Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Pursuing the Truth About America’s Founding

Today, even the most basic truths are under assault. But as we celebrate the birth of America, we should never forget that God was not only considered as the cornerstone of 18th century society when our country was founded, but He is mentioned in the very documents that established our nation…

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Texas, U.S. Congress, Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas, U.S. Congress, Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Tonight: Special Report on Ranked-Choice Voting

Join Heritage Action tonight for a one-hour Special Report with John Solomon on Real America’s Voice to get all the information you need on Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV), the Left’s newest scheme to rig elections…

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Protect Our Elections, Texas, Kids' Gender Modification, Secure the Border ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Protect Our Elections, Texas, Kids' Gender Modification, Secure the Border ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities Report

Take Action! We have three weeks left in the legislative session, and many Legislative Priority bills are getting close to the Governor’s desk. They are also at risk of sudden death…

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