Local Conservative Organizations
Join fellow patriots making a difference in our community, state, and nation! This page is a resource for the community. Organizations are not endorsed by the party, but are in agreement with the Republican Party of Texas platform.
Convention of States
The mission for the Convention of States Project is to, “Build an engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists.” Their Aspirational Goal is to inspire a political and spiritual awakening in America. Click below for many opportunities to get involved.
Faith Votes/We the People Community Impact Team
Imagine if every voting-eligible Christian voted Biblical values in every race! Provides updates on current events and legal cases, as well as action opportunities to involve fellow Christians and save America one county at a time. Meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays.
Montgomery County Eagle Forum
Non-partisan Christian organization devoted to motivating citizens to become involved in local, state, and national government while restoring Judeo-Christian values. Backed by strong Texas and US chapters fighting for conservative legislation. Meets 1st Thursdays.
Montgomery County Freedom Caucus
Gives a voice to members of the local Republican Party who stand for the stated principles and values of the Republican Party of Texas, including the Constitution and rule of law. Their motto is: “Boots on the ground, endowed by our Creator...life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness.”
Montgomery County Tea Party
Conservative organization dedicated to organizing, educating, and empowering present and future generations to acknowledge our Creator while upholding the founding documents, free markets, limited government, fiscal responsibility, and ethics. Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays.
Patriot Academy
Offers Biblical Citizenship classes in Montgomery County. Our nation is in need of Patriots who grasp the dynamic unity of citizens of the Kingdom of God and citizens of this great nation! Learn how the founders relied on their Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
Project Defiant
Hosts events that build community, inspire patriotism, and support Texas businesses. Dedicated to equipping and educating a new generation of servant leaders on constitutional principles to pass the torch of liberty to the next generation.
Texas Patriots PAC
Conservative organization dedicated to educating and organing citizens regarding public policy and founding principles. Supports the election of local, state, and national candidates who uphold the Constitution and the rule of law.
Texas Youth Summit
Yearly event featuring top conservative speakers to counter the effects of the Left and win back the hearts and minds of our nation’s most precious resource: our future generations. Help empower youth to be catalysts to win the culture war!
The Grumpy Old Men’s Club
A social club utilizing the vast experience, knowledge, research capabilities, and expertise of our members to educate each other in the social, political, and financial facts of the day. You don’t have to be a grumpy old man to attend - everyone is welcome! Meets twice a month.
Two Moms and Some Books
Moms advocating to keep children safe in Montgomery County public libraries by holding story hours with age-appropriate books, testifying at Commissioners Court meetings when needed, and advocating for balanced inclusion of Christian and conservative books in the children’s section of our public libraries.