Mission & Official Documents
Montgomery County Republican Party Mission
The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.
What Republicans Believe
The Republican philosophy is a true reflection of Texas values. We are dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans.
RINOs/Uniparty vs. Conservatives
RINO/Partido Unipardista vs. Conservador
A platform is the formal declaration of the principles on which a party stands. It is the party’s statement of beliefs on certain issues.
Comparación de Plataformas de Partidos
The Republican Party of Texas Platform embodies the ideas, values, and goals of thousands of grassroots Texans, defining what it means to be a Texas Republican. It is debated and ratified at the state convention by delegates elected from across Texas and all precincts in Montgomery County who represent you at the convention.
Legislative Priorities are chosen by delegates to the Texas GOP State Convention.
Delegates are presented with a list of 15 topics selected by the state Legislative Priorities Committee after a comprehensive review of resolutions passed at the precinct and senate district levels of the convention process.
Delegates vote for their top eight topics, which become the official Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas for the next legislative session.
Legislative Priorities for the 89th Texas Legislative Session »
The County Executive Committee (CEC) shall:
Promote the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) principles, platform and priorities.
Recruit, promote and support the election of Republican candidates who support the principles of the RPT platform to public office.
Perform such duties as specified in the RPT Rules and these Bylaws.
Observe all state and federal election laws.
Educate and inform voters.
Rules governing conventions, meetings, candidates, and primary elections.
Registered Republican voters in Montgomery County can take action on issues important to them by submitting resolutions to the Montgomery County Republican Party (MCRP) Resolutions Committee for consideration at the next County Executive Committee (CEC) meeting.
Once resolutions reach the CEC meeting, they are open for debate, amendment, and adoption or rejection.
The County Executive Committee (CEC) is the decision-making body of the local Republican Party, made up of the County Chairman and one Precinct Chair from each county election precinct. Attending Republican Party CEC meetings is a great way to get involved in issues impacting Montgomery County and your precinct!
The Steering Committee is made up of the County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and five Precinct Chairs.