County Parties Need Immediate Censure Guidance From the SREC
If the Republican Party of Texas gets this wrong, it will damage the credibility of the party with Republican voters and erode the trust and confidence that county parties have in state party leadership.
The Importance of Precinct Chairs
Many voters do not know that their first level of representation begins at the local level with their precinct chair.
Remembering Our Friend, Joe Sager
It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of our good friend, Mr. Joe Sager. Services will be held at 10 am on Friday, November 1, in Conroe.
Storm Damage Property Value Reassessments
If your property sustained damage in recent storms and flooding, you may be eligible to request a reassessment of your property value. The deadline is August 13, 2024.
A Celebration of Precinct 109 Chair, Mr. Michael Medved
It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of one of our Precinct Chairs, Mr. Michael Medved. We extend our condolences and prayers for his wife, Julie, and his children and grandchildren. Services will be held on Monday, July 15.
Statement on the Loss of One of Our Own, Ms. Bobbi Bodenhamer
The party is sad to share that Ms. Bobbi Bodenhamer, Precinct 54 Chair, passed away on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. We will miss her greatly and wish to extend our condolences and prayers to her husband and family during this sad time.
Precinct Chairs Hit the Ground Running
Precinct Chairs were sworn in by Senator Brandon Creighton at the June 18 Armor of God Prayer event, and held their first meeting of the 2024-2026 biennium, the Organizational Meeting, on June 22 in New Caney.
Covered in Prayer and Ready for the Fight
Senator Brandon Creighton served as the keynote speaker and performed the swearing-in of new County Chairman Gwen Withrow, along with the incoming Precinct Chairs who will be serving for the next two years. Covered in prayer and ready for the fight, we thank all who attended and look forward to the new biennium.
2024 Texas Primary Election Analysis
While voter turnout across the state was down, in Montgomery County the GOP vote increased by 17,000 GOP votes compared to 2020. So why is Montgomery County able to continue to turn out the GOP vote so consistently?
A Message From Chairman-Elect, Gwen Withrow
Election Day for the Republican Primary is officially behind us! It's time to look forward. Montgomery County is the RED STAR of Texas, and we must come together as one united front to keep Texas Red.
Stand up for your values at your Precinct Convention, Tues., 8pm
Are you passionate about electing principled Conservatives? Do you feel called to advocate for specific policies? Would you like to be a delegate or alternate to the State Convention in May? The initial step in this journey is participating in your Precinct Convention.
More Hit Pieces From Chairman Bryan Christ Against His Own Party
A barrage of hit pieces and mailers is being foisted upon voters by Chairman Bryan Christ in a desperate attempt to get reelected by aligning himself with disgraced Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and the pro-gambling lobby.
MCRP Vacancy Chair explains why vetting Precinct Chairs is so important
The vetting process is critical to having a strong County Party. Precinct Chairs work to Get Out the Vote, conduct elections, and support strong Conservative candidates. It is vital that the correct names be listed with the Secretary of State…
Hijacked: How the County Chairman is undermining the Party and Montgomery County voters
Chairman Christ has shut down Party Headquarters, liquidated the Party’s assets, appropriated Party equipment to his Republican Club, and is now transferring money from the Party to his PAC…
Perspectives on the Party from a County Precinct Chair
Precinct 63 Chair Herschel Williams explains what led him to serve as a Precinct Chair, what he has learned, and his solution to the divide within the Montgomery County Republican Party. “Some seek positions of influence for self-aggrandizement or monetary gain, and others as a service to their cause, community, or company. We have no place for the former.”
Thank you, Montgomery County Firefighters!
Precinct 89 Chair visits Fire Station 186 in Magnolia to deliver appreciation lunches…