Perspectives on the Party from a County Precinct Chair


May 20, 2023 | by Precinct 63 Chair Herschel Williams

How I became Precinct 63 Chair

I was a fan, and still am, of Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec - all conservative commentators and supporters of President Trump, one of the two greatest Presidents in my lifetime. I often shared their writings and video clips with a couple hundred friends on my email list. A little over a year ago, a friend with whom I was sharing my emails contacted me asking if I would be willing to replace her as Precinct Chair. I often say Joe Biden made me a Precinct Chair, but it was truly my predecessor, Julie Faubel, who pushed me into it. I wanted to do something to save our country!


Sense of duty

My sense of duty comes from my years at Texas Military Institute and my years of military service. In 1970, I left the military as a Captain, having been a Battery Commander in Vietnam in 1968 - 1969. This is where I learned about leadership and witnessed the best and the worst!

I followed this by graduating with a BBA from the University of Texas at Austin, thanks to Veterans Rehabilitation. I managed a Safety Distributorship and started/sold several companies contracting services for national manufacturers’ marketing and sales efforts. My experience in industry was a reflection of what I witnessed in the military. The title one wears as a badge of authority has no bearing on their ability to lead dedicated people in a common purpose. Some seek positions of influence for self-aggrandizement or monetary gain, and others as a service to their cause, community, or company. We have no place for the former!


Crisis in our country, and now even in our county

I’ve watched what has been happening to my country, and now my county, and am repulsed by behaviors which ignore the genius, integrity, and genuine passion of those who are pursuing the goals of the Republican Party.

Power stifles ingenuity and passion. Ingenuity provides solutions and passion stimulates action. Power imposed on a group stifles the passion of the individual to exceed what is expected.

The Precinct Chair majority of the Montgomery County Republican Party has what it takes to be the most productive in the state. They just need leadership that recognizes this and facilitates the use of resources to accomplish Party goals. They need a chairman who appreciates them for their contributions and sacrifice!


What I have learned

Our County Republican Party Chairman, Bryan Christ, is in his position because his wife, Kristin Christ, worked closely with Dr. Walter Wilkerson, former County Chairman. When Dr. Wilkerson decided to step down as County Chair, his loyal associate promoted her husband, Bryan, to take his place, despite Bryan having no experience. It appears the esteemed endorsement of “Doc Wally” carried the day, and he won the chairmanship. Since that day, Bryan Christ has been seeking the kind of top-down authoritarian rule used by his predecessor. The only thing he seeks is power. It is what his wife’s company sells. He was set up as the “influencer” and she, through her consulting company, “Southern Heritage,” is the one who sells access to the “influencer.” It is similar to Hunter and Joe Biden on a much smaller scale. Both situations beg for the return of individual integrity. Both make you want to wash your hands!


The solution

Chairman Christ needs to step down. Kristin Christ needs to keep her consulting business as it appears to be bringing in large sums of money to the family. It is perfectly fine for her to run her consulting business, but it is a complete conflict of interest to have her husband working as the Republican County Chairman. Chairman Christ stepping down would open the door for a leader with devotion to the cause, and not his wife’s business, to manage the resources and interests of the Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee, of which I am a member.

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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