The Importance of Precinct Chairs


Many voters do not know that their first level of representation begins at the local level with their Precinct Chair.


February 24, 2025 | Media Inquiries:

Most voters identify with a political party, i.e., Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green, etc., and they vote for their chosen candidates to represent them and their values for president, governor, senators, and other elected officials. However, many voters do not know that their first level of representation begins at the local level with their Precinct Chair.


The Role of the Precinct Chair

Precinct Chairs (PC) are elected by the voters during the party primaries in the spring of even numbered years. They serve a two-year term and represent their voters as members of their party’s County Executive Committee (CEC).

Precinct Chairs often serve as Election Day judges and/or clerks for both early and day of voting. They also recruit teams of election workers and attend hours of training to help provide the most secure and well-run elections possible. Election integrity begins here.

Precinct Chairs work year-round to help get the best Republican candidates elected in the primary and again in the general elections in the fall. They work to inform voters of issues and legislative matters in Austin and Washington that affect the daily lives of their constituents. More importantly, they work to hold elected officials accountable to the voters.

The county party holds town halls, fundraising events, and various informational and educational events throughout the year. PCs help citizens register to vote, help voters locate their polling location, and in general assist in any way they can to help voters navigate the political process.  


Resolutions & Working With Lawmakers

Voters don’t often know that the local party can convey voter concerns, questions, and preferences about issues, laws, and bills under consideration through the resolution process. Resolutions are the party’s first line of official communication with lawmakers regarding voter issues, opinions, and concerns. Voters are always urged to call, visit, text, or email their representatives about their thoughts concerning how they want their rep to vote on legislation or to bring to their attention their concerns and how their rep can help solve a problem. The party, however, speaks for all the voters of the county.

Voters are encouraged to bring their concerns and thoughts about issues to their PC so they, in turn, can bring it to the attention of the CEC. If a resolution is in order, they can help voters to write it and then present it to the CEC for discussion and vote. Resolutions are for serious business only and are not to be abused. That is why we have a Resolution Committee to review and discuss voter-initiated resolutions prior to submission to the CEC. Resolutions that are passed or adopted by the CEC are posted on our website under the About tab and sent to the appropriate elected official. Community members wishing to submit a resolution for consideration should contact their PC.


How to Contact Your Precinct Chair

In order for your Precinct Chair to fully represent you, it is important for you to know who your PC is and vice versa. A list of PCs may be found on our website under the Leadership tab. They are listed by precinct number. If you do not know your precinct number, click on the “find my precinct number” button at the top of the page or you can find it on your paper voter registration card just above your name. We urge voters to contact your PC to let them know your thoughts and opinions on current issues or you may contact the party office by completing the form on our website Contact Us page.


Your Input Is Important!

Your vote is important, but so is your input on issues and legislative matters. Let your PC and your local party know what you think and how you feel about issues of concern. Voters are also encouraged to attend local CEC meetings and to become involved through volunteering. Information can be found on our website calendar.

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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