Texas GOP Resolutions Addressing Issues in the Texas House
Republican Party of Texas resolutions addressing the betrayal in the Texas House.
Legislative Update Covering The Texas Legislature
What’s going on in the Texas House and why does it matter to the Republican grassroots? A presentation delivered by Christian Collins, Founder and President of the Texas Youth Summit.
Trump Cannot Save This Country All by Himself
It is so exciting to actually be represented by a politician who puts America and “We the People” first, but we also must address issues taking place in the Texas House. Our county and country depend on us.
What You Need to Know About the Race for Texas House Speaker in the 89th Session
The betrayal in the Texas House will not be forgotten and will be addressed by both local and state level Republican party officials. Get up to speed on what really happened and learn what Republican voters can do to fight back.
Republican Women’s Clubs in Montgomery County
We are so blessed to have six TFRW-affiliated groups here in Montgomery County, boasting around 1,000 members. The Montgomery County Republican Party is committed to collaborating with and supporting these groups.
May God Bless and Keep Texas
Our moral values provide the framework for our families, our Texas economy, and our culture. Once we lose our moral compass, Texas will become just another state that the leftist locusts have descended upon, stripped bare, and destroyed.
Betrayal in the Texas House
Those who voted in November for a Republican to represent them in Austin never dreamed that a minority of Republican Representatives would vote to empower Democrats to control the Texas House. The State Party and County Party are taking action.
Attorney General Ken Paxton Continues Lawsuit Against Pfizer
AG Paxton has filed a notice of appeal to continue his lawsuit against Pfizer, Inc., for its unlawful misrepresentations concerning the COVID-19 vaccine after a district court dismissed the case.
Reviewing 2024 and a Look Ahead
Montgomery County delivered a victory for Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in 2024. Here at home, we elected all of the candidates for local races which the party endorsed. Some may think the fight is over and we can now rest, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Perfect Peace in a Chaotic World
In this loud and frenzy-filled world, Jesus offers humanity a peace that can drown out the cacophony of worldly sounds so that all is calm and all is bright within the hearts and minds of those who call him King.
Texas Prayer Call With Rep. Steve Toth and Pastor Jason Nelson
Join us this Sunday at 7 pm for a Zoom prayer meeting. Let's call down heaven upon Texas, its leaders, and the upcoming 89th Texas Legislative Session.
A Very Merry Christmas: Celebrating a New Direction for Our Nation
Merry Christmas, Montgomery County! As a new optimism sweeps the nation, we have so much to be thankful for.
Texas Electoral College Casts Ballots for President Trump and Vice President Vance
Members of the Texas Electoral College convened to cast 40 electoral votes for President Donald J. Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance, reflecting the will of the Texas voters in the 2024 General Election.
Party Updates and Opportunities to Take Action
Texas has spoken, securing numerous victories in the recent election cycle! We gave it everything we had, and our efforts were rewarded. However, the fight isn’t over!
Resolution Urging Montgomery Co. Reps to Vote for the Caucus Nominee for Texas House Speaker
The Montgomery County Republican Party passed a resolution this morning calling for all members of the Texas House Republican Caucus, including Rep. Will Metcalf, to immediately unite behind the properly nominated candidate, Rep. David Cook.
County GOP Chairs Urge Support of Rep. David Cook for Texas Speaker
A group of Republican county chairs from across Texas, including Montgomery County GOP Chair Gwen Withrow, have signed a letter declaring their full support for State Rep. David Cook for speaker of the House.
Urgent: Unite Behind the Republican Caucus Nominee for House Speaker
Walking out of this Saturday’s Republican caucus proceedings to solicit support from Democratic members and cut deals that undermine legislative priorities are intolerable acts of betrayal to Republican voters across Texas.
It's Time To Take Back the Texas House!
Contact your state representative to tell them to adhere to the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priority 4 - NO DEMOCRAT CHAIRS and to support a speaker who will do just that!
Beware of Phelan 2.0
We need a House Speaker who understands that he works for Republicans in Texas and not a handful of bureaucrats and special interest groups in Austin who wine and dine him.
Is Your Republican Lawmaker Helping Democrats Gain Power?
Call your lawmaker today to ask who they are supporting for Speaker and whether they are committed to reforming the Texas House.