Resolution Condemning the Deceptive Electioneering Practices of the “Republican Voters of Texas PAC”
The Montgomery County Republican Party, while acknowledging the right of freedom of speech, condemns and denounces the Republican Voters of Texas PAC and demands that they cease and desist their bad faith use of the word “REPUBLICAN” in their name of the PAC and that they immediately cease and desist with their deceptive electioneering practices.
Resolution to Honor Senators Bettencourt, Creighton, and Kolkhorst for their support of AG Paxton Throughout the Impeachment Process
The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas expresses appreciation and gratitude to Senator Bettencourt, Senator Creighton, and Senator Kolkhorst for their respect for the voters of Montgomery County who overwhelmingly elected Ken Paxton to the office of Attorney General regardless of any allegations made against him at the time.
Resolution Endorsing Dr. Shelley Sekula-Gibbs for The Woodlands Township, Position #5
The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas endorses the Re-Election of Dr. Shelley Sekula-Gibbs for The Woodlands Township Position #5 in the November 7, 2023, General Election.
Hand Count Reforms to the Texas Election Code
The Montgomery County Republican Party hereby petitions Governor Abbott to make public trust in Texas elections a number one priority by calling for a special session of the Texas Legislature to make common sense reforms which are urgently needed to secure Texas elections and restore confidence in our election system.
Proclaiming November as TEXAS VETERANS MONTH
The Montgomery County Republican Party encourages the Texas legislature, MCTX Commissioner’s Court, and county school districts to hereby recognize November as VETERANS MONTH in the State of Texas.
A Tribute Commending Texas Representatives Steve Toth and Cecil Bell, Jr.
A Tribute Resolution commending the “NAY” votes of Texas District 15 Representative Steve Toth and Texas District 3 Representative Cecil Bell, Jr. on the impeachment vote of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
Condemning the Impeachment of AG Ken Paxton and Any Republican Representative Voting for the Action
Condemning the politically motivated impeachment of Attorney General Paxton by the Texas House of Representatives and imploring Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and members of the Texas Senate to uphold Constitutionally guaranteed due process, fairness, precedent, and the rule of law…
Supporting the Censure of House Speaker Dade Phelan by the Orange County Executive Committee
Supporting the Censure of House Speaker Dade Phelan, HD 21, by the Orange County Executive Committee and urging the Texas Republican Party to honor said Censure and also Censure Dade Phelan.
Calling for the Resignation of State Rep. and Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan
Calling for Dade Phelan, holding a public office that directly impacts the entire state of Texas, to resign immediately; and requesting the State Republican Executive Committee and the delegates to the next State Convention of the Republican Party of Texas concur in this Resolution.