A Tribute Commending Texas Representatives Steve Toth and Cecil Bell, Jr.
A Tribute Resolution commending the “NAY” votes of Texas District 15 Representative Steve Toth and Texas District 3 Representative Cecil Bell, Jr. on the impeachment vote of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
WHEREAS, these two Texas representatives recognized their responsibility to the voters of the State of Texas and respected the votes cast for Attorney General in the Texas General Election on November 8, 2022.
WHEREAS, Texas Government Code 665.081 states, “An officer in this state may not be removed from office for an act the officer may have committed before the officer’s election to this office.”
WHEREAS, Representatives Toth and Bell are upholding the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution that state that “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”
WHEREAS, the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments’ due process provisions require that a person be given notice and have an opportunity for a hearing in which to provide evidence in defense to any allegation.
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Montgomery County Republican Party expresses appreciation and gratitude to Representative Steve Toth and Representative Cecil Bell, Jr. for their respect to the voters of Montgomery County who have already litigated these allegations through three election cycles and for their respect for due process granted in our Constitution and the protections granted therein.
ADDITIONALLY, it is our prayer that the principled leadership of the Texas Senate will restore sanity and reason for our state because if we are going to impeach our duly elected Attorney General, the proceedings themselves must be unimpeachable and that is not the case with the Texas House impeachment proceedings against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Republican Party of Texas leadership and published, as appropriate, by the party in the Reporter Newsletter on the mctxgop.org website.