From County Chair Gwen Withrow: Reviewing 2024 and a Look Ahead
Montgomery County delivered a victory for Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in 2024. We are without a doubt the largest block of Republican voters in the country. Here at home, we elected all of the candidates for local races which the party endorsed. Some may think the fight is over and we can now rest, but nothing could be further from the truth.
From County Chair Gwen Withrow: Promises Made, Promises Kept!
These are the words that will guide us going forward into the next four years as a Republican hero—Donald Trump—starts the process of taking office. Montgomery County came out in large numbers to make their voices heard all the way down the ballot.
From County Chair Gwen Withrow: Early Voting Begins Monday
As the largest block of Republican voters in Texas, we in Montgomery County have a special responsibility to turn out the vote. We must deliver Texas for Donald Trump and make sure Ted Cruz is returned to represent us in the Senate. This is it! October is here and early voting starts on Monday.
From County Chair Gwen Withrow
A report presented by Chairman Withrow at the October 2nd meeting of the County Executive Committee (CEC). It is urgent that we pray for Israel, and our own country, as we face dangers against our very way of life. And, we must take action to turn out our vote as we have never seen before. We must deliver Texas for Donald Trump and make sure Ted Cruz is returned to represent us in the Senate. This is it! October is here and voting will start soon.
From County Chair Gwen Withrow
A report presented by Chairman Withrow at the September 3rd meeting of the County Executive Committee (CEC), including a recap of the new Headquarters Grand Opening, a successful Rally the Vote event showcasing the county's Republican Women’s Clubs, the upcoming Lincoln Reagan Dinner with Senator Ted Cruz, and election security efforts.
Another Hit Piece Texted to Residents, This Time in the Sheriff Runoff
Yesterday, a slanderous text message was sent to voters claiming that crime has risen and cases are going unsolved in Montgomery County. The purpose of the text is to convince residents to vote “no” to Rand Henderson on May 28th. The data from this text was lifted from an article from Montgomery County, MARYLAND! The text assumes that voters will not research the data to determine that it isn't even from our county! The Montgomery County Republican Party would like to remind voters to do your due diligence in our local elections.
Thank you, Montgomery County Republican Voters and Candidates!
Texas Conservatives found themselves in the crosshairs of a full-on assault from RINOs and their Progressive Democrat allies in the Primary Election. Thanks to grassroots, conservative voters, the tables were turned and Texas instead shifted considerably to the right.
A Message From Chairman-Elect, Gwen Withrow
Election Day for the Republican Primary is officially behind us! it's time to look forward. We must come together as one united front to expand our majority at a national level and continue to elect more Republicans at the local and state levels. Together, we will take back our country!
Biased Reporting From Fake News Media Outlets in Montgomery County
The Montgomery County Republican Party would like to remind voters that many media outlets in Montgomery County use a biased, one-sided approach to report what they call “news,” but would more accurately be termed commentary. Endorsements of candidates will always be labeled as “commentary” or “endorsement” if the site is credible.
Big-Money, Pro-Gambling Voter Guides Seek to Fundamentally Change Montgomery County
Voters should be aware of several voter guides being handed out at the polls and sent to voters’ homes that are financed by out-of-state, pro-gambling, or RINO/Establishment groups. Please do your own research before heading to the polls.
Hit Pieces From Chairman Bryan Christ Against His Own Party
A barrage of hit pieces and mailers is being foisted upon voters by Chairman Bryan Christ in a desperate attempt to get reelected. Chairman Christ will do anything to get reelected, including aligning himself with disgraced Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and the pro-gambling lobby.
Disavowal of Unauthorized Mailer Chairman Bryan Christ Sent to Local Voters in the Party’s Name
Republican County Chairman Bryan Christ will stop at nothing to get reelected, including sending a mailer filled with falsehoods to Montgomery County voters in the party’s name without authorization. The mailer, hitting voters’ mailboxes today, is another attempt by Chairman Christ to deflect from the fact that he was censured by the local party and is associated with multiple Political Action Committees (PACs) in Montgomery County that were created to deceive Republicans into voting against grassroots Conservative Republicans.
Statement About Dirty Electioneering and Smear Campaigns in Montgomery County
With Early Voting fully underway, many false and outlandish statements and slanderous "hit-piece" mailers are being circulated by those who want to take the grassroots and We the People out of the elections process. The best way to fight back is by researching candidates and voting for PROVEN Conservatives.
Precinct Conventions Notice
Precinct Conventions will be held on March 5, 2024, at your precinct polling location, beginning at 8:00 PM. All Republicans who voted (or sign an Oath of Affiliation) in the 2024 Primary are eligible to attend. Are you passionate about electing principled Conservatives? Do you feel called to advocate for specific policies? Would you like to be a delegate or alternate to the State Convention in May? The initial step in this journey is participating in your Precinct Convention.