Reviewing 2024 and a Look Ahead
Montgomery County delivered a victory for Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in 2024. Here at home, we elected all of the candidates for local races which the party endorsed. Some may think the fight is over and we can now rest, but nothing could be further from the truth.
From County Chair Gwen Withrow: Promises Made, Promises Kept!
Montgomery County came out in large numbers to make their voices heard all the way down the ballot in this momentous election.
What Is the May 4 Uniform Election?
The May 4th Uniform Election will include local, non-partisan races such as city officials, school boards, MUDs, and the county appraisal board. Your vote can have a big impact in these typically low-turnout elections!
New County Appraisal District Board Elections
The May 4 Uniform Election will be voters’ first opportunity to elect representatives to the Montgomery County Appraisal District Board of Directors.
2024 Texas Primary Election Analysis
While voter turnout across the state was down, in Montgomery County the GOP vote increased by 17,000 GOP votes compared to 2020. So why is Montgomery County able to continue to turn out the GOP vote so consistently?
Conroe City Councilmen Challenged on Legality of Candidate Filing Paperwork
On March 15, the Ninth District Court of Appeals denied the Petition for Writ of Mandamus filed by City Council candidate Shana Arthur asking for Councilmen Curt Maddux and Todd Yancey to be disqualified from the May 4 Election ballot.
Stand up for your values at your Precinct Convention, Tues., 8pm
Are you passionate about electing principled Conservatives? Do you feel called to advocate for specific policies? Would you like to be a delegate or alternate to the State Convention in May? The initial step in this journey is participating in your Precinct Convention.
More Hit Pieces From Chairman Bryan Christ Against His Own Party
A barrage of hit pieces and mailers is being foisted upon voters by Chairman Bryan Christ in a desperate attempt to get reelected by aligning himself with disgraced Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and the pro-gambling lobby.
Don't let PACs with ulterior motives fool you with their misleading mailers
Montgomery County is GROUND ZERO in the battle to save Texas and big money Democrats and RINOs will stop at nothing to flip Texas “Blue,” including sending misleading mailers to unsuspecting voters in Montgomery County.
Trump-Aligned Leaders Get Behind Gwen Withrow for GOP County Chair
Congratulations to State Republican Executive Committeewoman, Gwen Withrow, for her recent endorsements from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, conservative Texas icon and former gubernatorial candidate Chad Prather, the Texas “Czar of Talk” Michael Berry, and Grassroots America - We the People!
My Vote Doesn’t Matter Anyway, So Why Bother?
Did you know some races on the “down-ballot” may be determined by a SINGLE vote? One vote can make the difference between winning and losing for your candidate of choice. That’s how important your vote is in the Primary Election!
Why Does Texas Have Trouble Passing Conservative Legislation?
Conservatives are unknowingly electing RINO, Uniparty Republicans who DO NOT represent We the People. Democrats and left-leaning Republicans are hijacking the Republican name to get elected, but do not support Republican principles once they take office.
May 6, 2023 Election
Early voting for the May 6 Joint Election ends on Tuesday, May 2! Election Day is Saturday, May 6, 7 am - 7 pm. This is a local election including school boards, bond proposals, and tax proposals…