Texas Texas GOP Chairman Abraham George Texas Texas GOP Chairman Abraham George

Thank You, Texas!

It is Good Morning in America again! Last night was nothing short of a miracle. We accomplished so much and saved our country.

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Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

A Call to Arms!

While some of our fellow citizens are familiar with down-ballot races, most are not. That’s why we need YOU at the polls working outside, handing out the Official Montgomery County Republican Party voter guide to help get down-ballot Republicans elected.

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Texas, Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas, Montgomery County, Protect Our Elections ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Attorney General Paxton Requests Voter Registration Data from Secretary of State

Attorney General Paxton sent a letter to the Texas Secretary of State formally requesting the records of every registered voter without a State of Texas-issued driver’s license or identification card number in order to facilitate efforts to stop noncitizen voting and investigate potential voter fraud.

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