Texas Is Turning Blue, But We Can Stop It!


September 22, 2024 | Montgomery County, TX

In the mid to early 2000s, Democrats very effectively executed their “Project Blueprint” to begin turning Colorado from Red to Blue. By 2010, Colorado was solidly in the Blue column where it remains to this day.

The way Project Blueprint works is like this: Big money progressives from both inside and outside the state fund progressive non-profit organizations, which then bundle together large sums of money. Those organizations then put together campaigns to support the most progressive candidates in the local non-partisan races. Once the progressives are able to gain control of the local government entities, they utilize that power base to win control of higher offices in the state.

Right now, if you visit texasdemocrats.org, you will find information about Project LIFT, which stands for “Local Investment in the Future of Texas.”

Project LIFT is described on the Democrats’ website as a “longtime program of the Texas Democratic Party that invests in candidates running in local, down-ballot races across the state.” They go on to say, “Through Project LIFT, the Texas Democratic Party has built upon our movement from the local office up.”

To be clear, Project LIFT is “Project Blueprint” for the Lone Star State—and it is working.


Consider that in 2016, 43.2% of Texas voters cast their ballot for Hillary Clinton and then in 2020, Joe Biden received 46.5% of the vote in the Lone Star State. With “Blue State” Democrats flooding into the Lone Star State and an untold number of illegals voting, we are turning “Blue” and we need to wake up!


Stopping Project LIFT

Here is what Texas voters need to understand if we are going to stop “Project LIFT” in Texas.

First of all, we all need to recognize that there is no such thing as a “non-partisan” race. The Democrats already recognize this, which is why they focus on those races in Project LIFT and Project Blueprint.

You will notice that Republicans running in the supposed “non-partisan” races will eagerly tell you that they are a Republican. On the other hand, Democrat candidates and their poll workers are not so forthcoming and will deflect if someone asks them their political affiliation. Democrat candidates and their supporters say things like, “I am an independent” or “I support all kinds of different candidates.” When you hear anything other than “I am a Republican” from a candidate, you know that you are talking to a Democrat.

We all understand that there is a huge difference between the way Republicans and Democrats govern, so this matters. Just take a look at what’s going on in Aurora, Colorado, with Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes. Democrat Governor, Jared Polis, put out a statement saying these incidents were figments of our “imagination,” until he was forced to acknowledge it.


Democrats are obviously aware that their ideas would be rejected by the majority of voters, so they attempt to conceal who they are and trick people into voting for them.

If you don’t remember anything else, please just remember that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A NON-PARTISAN RACE.


What Can We Do To Save Texas?

Here are some key initiatives that must be undertaken immediately.

  1. We must build strong, modernized, active, engaged, and energized local Republican Parties, which have a professional and informative social media and media presence. These local parties must protect the Republican brand from those who would hijack it for personal gain. Parties must research the candidates and educate the public on which candidates are working for (or against) Republican principles. When we continue to allow hijacking of the Republican brand, it undermines the public’s perception and trust of what Republicans stand for. View the Montgomery County GOP Local Endorsements for the November 2024 General Election.

  2. We must build and strengthen Conservative Grassroots organizations all across Texas because, by rule and statute, the local Republican Party starts over with new Precinct Chairs and new leadership every two years. Conservative Grassroots organizations bring continuity to the fight for liberty, work to support Republican values, get out the vote for Conservatives, and hold elected officials accountable to Republican principles. Some great local grassroots organizations are the Montgomery County Tea Party, Texas Patriots PAC, Montgomery County Pachyderm Club, and Montgomery County Eagle Forum.

  3. We must get churches engaged in the political process. Right now there are an estimated 25 million Christians who eschew their right to vote in any given presidential election, 65 million who do not participate in local elections at all, and 25 million who are not even registered to vote. Download the voter registration information for pastors to help your pastor encourage your church members to get registered and vote biblical values. Contact local organization
    We the People/Faith Votes if you need assistance.

  4. We must grow the Republican Women’s Clubs across Texas since they are the consistent, solid foundation of all Republicanism in Texas. The Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW) has been around since 1955 and is undisputedly one of the most influential political organizations in the great state of Texas. Montgomery County is blessed to have TFRW-affiliated groups boasting more than 700 members. Click here for more information or contact Ann Kate, Montgomery County Republican Party TFRW Liaison, annkate43@gmail.com.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. The Biden-Harris Administration has given us the worst inflation in 40 years, soaring violent crime, open borders, millions of illegal immigrants, and a world on the brink of World War III. One of their biggest goals is turning Texas Blue so we can suffer under failed leadership and lose our great state to far-left, Marxist policies. We can stop it, but there is no time to waste. We must all get involved in the fight if we’re going to defend Texas and save America.

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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