Action Alert! Ask Magnolia ISD to stop using taxpayer money to fund the United Nations IB Program
The International Baccalaureate philosophy is shaped around liberal humanist thought in order to create a secular “internationally minded,” global citizens creating a mindset that diminishes America and instills global sovereignty in the minds of students…
Action Alert! Conservative School Board Members Under Fire, Need Your Support
Conservative school board members in Montgomery County are being persecuted for exposing pornographic library books and the indoctrination of children in our schools. Godly men and women are needed to stand with our Christian Conservative board members…
Are Democrats Running the Texas House?
The recently ended 88th Texas Legislative Session has Texans questioning who is running the Texas House - the Republican majority or the Democrat minority?
Montgomery County GOP to hold Town Hall focused on the Colonias, law enforcement issues
The Montgomery County Republican Party will host a Town Hall Meeting in New Caney on August 24 focusing on East Montgomery County law enforcement issues surfacing as a result of the “Colony Ridge” community…
Montgomery County GOP passes Resolutions condemning Paxton impeachment, honoring Representatives who voted ‘No’
The Montgomery County Republican Party expresses its appreciation and gratitude to Representatives Steve Toth and Cecil Bell for voting against the impeachment of AG Ken Paxton…
Montgomery County GOP calls for immediate resignation of Speaker Phelan and censure by state party
The Montgomery County Republican Party passed resolutions today calling for the immediate resignation of Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and joining in the censure of Speaker Phelan by the Orange County Executive Committee…
Major company reverses ESG credit rating practice
In a victory for the State of Texas and consumers nationwide, S&P Global Ratings announced it would no longer publish new ESG credit indicators or update outstanding ESG credit indicators…
Stop the Gaslighting! The Truth About the Texas Supreme Court’s Denial of Rehearing
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX - Right on cue, Chairman Christ claimed victory in an email this morning, slinging accusations and mistruths at the party majority, all the while knowing that the denial simply indicates that the Supreme Court will not hear the case…
Texas Supreme Court Denial Clears the Way for State Party To Act
The Texas Supreme Court today denied the motion for rehearing filed on behalf of the majority members of the Montgomery County Republican Party’s County Executive Committee (CEC). The Supreme Court did not side with the chairman. They simply denied a hearing, clearing the way for the Republican Party of Texas to take action…
Office of the AG files appeal to Texas Supreme Court to block district judge’s pro-abortion ruling
Last week, State District Judge Jessica Mangrum ruled that Texas abortion law is unconstitutional in an attempt to block the state’s enforcement of pro-life laws. The Office of the Attorney General filed an appeal directly to the Texas Supreme Court that stays the ruling pending a Court decision...
Ballot Order for the Nov. 7 Constitutional Amendment Election
Today, the Deputy Secretary of State Joe Esparza drew the ballot order for the 14 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution. Texans will vote on these amendments as a part of the November 7 Election…
Governor Abbott signs SB 2 and SB 3: Property Tax Relief
Governor Abbott, Lt. Gov Patrick, and Speaker Phelan embark on state signing tour of SB 2 & SB 3, touting largest tax cut in Texas history. Coming to Montgomery County August 9th…
The Struggle Is Real...but We Should Be Thankful!
Local bad actors are accustomed to working in the shadows, but the struggle in our local Party is drawing them out, letting voters see them for who they truly are. Voters must pay attention to what is happening here in Montgomery County and show up in force on Election Day…
Six steps you can take now to elect Conservatives in the 2024 Primary
Now that the legislative session is over, what are some ways conservative, grassroots activists can prepare to elect strong Conservatives in the 2024 Primary Election?
Introducing the Montgomery County First Business Alliance
The Marketing Committee is pleased to announce the Montgomery County First Small Business Alliance or MOCO 1st. Businesses that agree to follow MOCO 1st Principles will be listed on our website, so you can support local businesses that respect your values!
Upcoming training on applying and preparing your Precinct Chair campaign
Sept. 12 is the first day of filing for election/re-election for all county offices, including Precinct Chairs. If the paperwork is not properly completed, it can keep you off the ballot. Your Training and Development Team is hosting training sessions to help!
Part 1: Texas Constitutional Amendments on the November Ballot
This November, there will be an election to determine changes to the Texas Constitution. This is the first of three articles covering the amendments that will be on the ballot…
Date set for Attorney General Paxton’s questionable impeachment trial
Never in Texas history have we seen such a rushed and unfair impeachment process as was foisted upon the House in the waning hours of the 88th Legislative Session…
What America Means to Me: An Immigrant’s Perspective
Attorney Martin Etwop explains how becoming an American shaped his future and why he still thanks God for the gift and the privilege of being called an American…
Why do Establishment Republicans object to the Freedom Caucus and Tea Party?
A closer look at what these groups advocate for and how they compare to the Republican Party of Texas Party Platform and Principles…