Trump Cannot Save This Country All by Himself


February 4, 2025 | Media Inquiries:

by Republican County Chair, Gwen Withrow,

Wow, it is so exciting to actually be represented by a politician who puts America and “We the People” first. As I watched the Presidential Inauguration, I actually leaped from my chair and jumped up and down cheering. It was like I was watching a football game. 

When President Trump announced that the official policy of our country is that there are two sexes—male and female—I danced around the room saying yes! Finally common sense has come to our leadership! J6ers were released from prison along with abortion clinic protesters and parents who protested at school board meetings. Hostages from South America and Gaza have been released. Every day the President announces something that makes me so proud to be a Republican. Just today, he announced that Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon. Of course not, I can’t imagine that is even up for debate. 

And then, as if to bring me down to reality and burst my rose-colored bubble, I am faced with information coming from our Texas House. Texas is supposed to be a leader among our states, promoting freedom and conservative values. What in the world are our Texas Republican House of Representatives thinking? How could they think that Republican voters in Texas would be happy as they passed the Democrat Empowerment House Rules package?

For those who think this current uproar in Texas is about a Speaker’s race between Rep. David Cook and Rep. Dustin Burrows, you have totally missed the boat. This interparty fight is and has always been about the majority party, Republicans, preventing the minority party, Democrats, from controlling the passage of legislation in our House. I, for one, have worked too hard over the past 15 years electing Republicans. I did not do that so that they could hand power to the Democrats. We are not competing against the Democratic party that in our past was almost indistinguishable from the Republicans. The days of working across the aisle are long gone.

I am serving my third term as a State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) member, so I had a first-row seat and was personally involved as the state party started a campaign to stop the nonsense of awarding Democrats powerful positions so that greedy, selfish individuals could gain power and become the Speaker of the House. The money and power available to the Speaker is obscene. It has at least in my lifetime never been about what good can the Speaker do for our State and for the people of Texas. 

In the last Texas Legislative Session, I personally walked the halls of the capital with former Texas GOP Legislative Chair, Jill Glover, as we fought to stop child mutilation in the trans movement. We watched Democrats kill any chance to get our bills even heard in committees and Speaker Dade Phelan was not interested in moving any Republican priorities. He owed his allegiance to the Democrat party. 

SREC member Dale Inman and I both serve on the State Resolution Committee. The committee met by Zoom conference on Friday night and unanimously passed two resolutions and county guidance for censure resolutions. On Monday night these items were debated and passed by the entire body of the SREC after four hours of grueling votes. 

I am asking DJ Fike, the Montgomery County Republican Party Secretary, to make sure all Precinct Chairs are given copies of these items. It is important each of you study the guidance and prepare yourself for the debate that is coming to this team no matter which side of the issue you find yourself. We will most assuredly be bringing this matter to you in the future for debate and vote. 

The resolutions may be found at these links:

Resolution Condemning Vote for Previous Question on House Rules - Republican Party of Texas

Resolution Thanking Representatives Who Voted for the Caucus Nominee - Republican Party of Texas

I have asked Dale Inman as our SREC Committeeman to chair a committee to start the process of writing a censure resolution. I am appointing Secretary DJ Fike to vice chair this committee as she has been accumulating the complaints from voters throughout the county. If you wish to serve on this committee, please contact Dale at I hope each of you will take this as seriously as I do. I welcome and hope to hear from both sides of the debate because it will strengthen our response and increase the chances we will get it right. 

I appreciate each and every one of you that serve this county as Precinct Chairs. You have worked extremely hard this last election, but our work is not over. We must work just as hard getting the best team we can through the primary process in March 2026. It is looking like we will have a very dynamic primary election.

Remember always that those who run give the voters a choice. We should be grateful that we live in a country that affords us the right to choose our leaders. Please be ready to work hard. Our county and country depend on us—Trump cannot save this country all by himself. 

County Chair Gwen Withrow

Gwen Withrow is the Chair of the Montgomery County Republican Party and the Republican Party of Texas Committeewoman for Senate District 4. She serves on the State Republican Officials Committee and the Resolutions Committee. She has been honored by the Texas Federation of Republican Women as one of the Top 10 Republican Women in Texas.


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