How Did My Precinct Chair Vote on the Resolution Censuring Reps. Bell & Metcalf?
County parties across Texas must work tirelessly to ensure that our legislators are being held accountable to the Principles and Values of the Republican Party, as well as helping to pass the Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas.
The Gaslighting Continues in the Texas House
A look at how it’s going under Speaker Dustin Burrows’ leadership with the House Rules he put forth that give expanded powers to Democrats.
Stop the Gaslighting
Wild accusations are being made by supporters of Representatives Will Metcalf and Cecil Bell as a result of the censure resolution that was passed by the Montgomery County GOP on Tuesday evening.
Montgomery County GOP Censures Representatives Bell and Metcalf
The party’s County Executive Committee highlighted several actions as contradictory to Republican Party of Texas principles, including breaking Republican Caucus bylaws and voting with the Democrats to elect Dustin Burrows as Speaker of the House.
County Parties Need Immediate Censure Guidance From the SREC
If the Republican Party of Texas gets this wrong, it will damage the credibility of the party with Republican voters and erode the trust and confidence that county parties have in state party leadership.
Censure Resolutions Delivered to Texas House Representatives Metcalf and Bell
The County Executive Committee (CEC) will be voting on March 4 on the resolutions. The public is welcome at all CEC meetings.
Speaker Burrows Delivers for Democrats
Speaker Dustin Burrows announced committee assignments for the Texas House on February 13 and Democrats couldn’t be happier.
Texas GOP Resolutions Addressing Issues in the Texas House
Republican Party of Texas resolutions addressing the betrayal in the Texas House.
Legislative Update Covering The Texas Legislature
What’s going on in the Texas House and why does it matter to the Republican grassroots? A presentation delivered by Christian Collins, Founder and President of the Texas Youth Summit.
Trump Cannot Save This Country All by Himself
It is so exciting to actually be represented by a politician who puts America and “We the People” first, but we also must address issues taking place in the Texas House. Our county and country depend on us.
What You Need to Know About the Race for Texas House Speaker in the 89th Session
The betrayal in the Texas House will not be forgotten and will be addressed by both local and state level Republican party officials. Get up to speed on what really happened and learn what Republican voters can do to fight back.
Betrayal in the Texas House
Those who voted in November for a Republican to represent them in Austin never dreamed that a minority of Republican Representatives would vote to empower Democrats to control the Texas House. The State Party and County Party are taking action.
Resolution Urging Montgomery Co. Reps to Vote for the Caucus Nominee for Texas House Speaker
The Montgomery County Republican Party passed a resolution this morning calling for all members of the Texas House Republican Caucus, including Rep. Will Metcalf, to immediately unite behind the properly nominated candidate, Rep. David Cook.