Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Report From County Chair Gwen Withrow

A report presented by Chairman Withrow at the September 3rd meeting of the County Executive Committee (CEC), including a recap of the new Headquarters Grand Opening, a successful Rally the Vote event showcasing the county's Republican Women’s Clubs, the upcoming Lincoln Reagan Dinner with Senator Ted Cruz, and election security efforts.

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Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Report From County Chair Gwen Withrow

A report presented by Chairman Withrow at the August 6 meeting of the County Executive Committee (CEC), including details on the new Headquarters Grand Opening, a Rally the Vote event, and the upcoming Lincoln Reagan Dinner with Senator Ted Cruz. Montgomery County has to vote early and all the way down the ballot to push Ted Cruz and Donald Trump to victory. Leave no Republican voter behind.

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Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Report From County Chair Gwen Withrow

A report presented by Chairman Withrow at the July 23 meeting of the County Executive Committee (CEC). Exciting “Get Out the Vote” events and activities are being planned in the Montgomery County Republican Party. Find out the latest and learn how to get involved!

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Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Inaugural Message From County Chair Gwen Withrow

The future of our country depends on turning out the vote in November. There is important work to do. We are standing together and making this nation Great Again. God Bless Texas, our nation, and each of you. In the words of Todd Beamer—LET’S ROLL. We have a country to save!

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