Inaugural Message From County Chair Gwen Withrow


June 18, 2024 | Media Inquiries:

Chairwoman Gwen Withrow

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! ...this wall will fall. For it cannot withstand faith; it cannot withstand truth. The wall cannot withstand freedom.”
– Ronald Reagan

Each of the new Precinct Chairs has been presented with a card from me, thanking them for their upcoming service and depicting the statue named “The Day the Wall Came Down.”  As I have stood and gazed at this statue, it has inspired me greatly. Nothing was going to stop those horses. The horses of course represent faith, truth, and most of all freedom. 

I appreciate so much your willingness to serve.

As I consider many of you, I have been inspired to think of you as these horses. You truly are unstoppable. There is nothing you cannot accomplish as we stand together.  You are like the men who stood on the green and fired the shot heard round the world during the American Revolution. You are here to restore our country through a grassroots revolution. And I am proud to stand with you.

The people all over this State have started to rise up and make their voices heard. In my first term as State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) committeewoman, I went with Jill Glover to visit with a House Legislator who was blocking one of our eight Texas GOP Legislative Priorities in committee. His staff told us we would have to clear the office because he had a very important meeting. We stood in the hall as a large cart full of alcohol was wheeled into the office with a group of lobbyists. Jill looked at me and said, “I am really getting tired of this frat boy type of business here in the people of Texas’ House.” Four years later, we have seen major changes in Austin. Unfortunately, we still have a fight ahead as we did not get those primaries closed in time to make our voices heard in House District 21. The fight is not over. We must make sure our representatives know we do not expect Democrats to stop our priorities. 

As the Chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Party, I am here to represent the grassroots voters of our county as each of you represent the same in each of your precincts. My job and your job is not to be a cheerleader for our elected officials, whether or not they are representing their constituents. Those who wear the Republican jersey need to further the Republican agenda. Our delegates, the grassroots, guide the party’s direction every two years. Our job is to help elect the very best for each office – and to make sure they are living up to the voters’ expectations. 

While the county party is one unit again, the outgoing party chairman is apparently not going to turn over the website he maintains, which will create confusion in the county. I urge each of you to unsubscribe from his website and emails, and subscribe to so that we can pull the party together and get busy on the work to be accomplished. We must not let confusion undermine the tasks we have before us.  Turn out the vote and elect my personal heroes:  Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. The future of our country depends on this vote in November. 

This Republic was created with the expectation that our voting populace was educated in choosing their leadership. That is the essential work each of you have signed up to perform. What an awesome responsibility.  I am asking each of you as elected officials to make sure your lives (including on Facebook) reflect something your mother or pastor would be proud to see on the front page of a newspaper. You are elected officials now; you must hold to the standards you yourself expect of officials who represent us. We absolutely must deliver the largest turnout of Montgomery County for Ted Cruz and Donald Trump this county has ever experienced. Our future as a freedom-loving Republic demands no less from each of us. 

I want to end by thanking each of you. With patriots like each of you, I know we can deliver. Like those horses we are going over those walls. I want to thank the outgoing Precinct Chairs for their service and encourage them to remain involved in the party.  I would be remiss if I did not thank my husband for supporting my efforts as he does. 

With patriots like God’s Digital Angels, the many clubs, especially the Women of the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW) clubs and the local Montgomery County Tea Party, we cannot fail. We are not going to let our schools be filled with pornography, let women’s sports be destroyed, permit family-friendly drag shows in our libraries, watch our children mutilated, or sit by and allow human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Not to mention our wide-open borders making drug cartels richer as they flood our country with fentanyl. We are putting our foot down and saying no.

There is important work to do. We are standing together and making this nation Great Again. God bless Texas, our nation, and each of you. In the words of Todd Beamer—LET’S ROLL. We have a country to save!!!!

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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