The Primary Convention Process and How You Can Participate

The Texas Primary

January 21, 2024 | Montgomery County, TX


Precinct Conventions Notice:

Precinct Conventions will be held on March 5, 2024, at your precinct polling location, beginning at 8:00 PM. All Republicans who voted (or sign an Oath of Affiliation) in the 2024 Republican Primary are eligible to attend. Find your precinct polling location here.


The Primary Election is not just an election. It is much more than that. At the conclusion of the voting day, those who voted in the Republican Primary are invited to participate in their Precinct Convention. The Precinct Convention is the first in a series of conventions that define the Republican Party of Texas Platform and set the Republican Legislative Priorities for the next Texas legislative session.


What is the purpose of the Precinct Convention?

The purpose of the Precinct Convention is (1) to elect delegates to the Senatorial District Convention which will be held later in March, and (2) to introduce, consider, and vote on citizen-proposed resolutions to be delivered to the Senatorial District Convention for further consideration.


How does the process work?

Soon after the close of the polls on March 5, 2024, and at the same location, the Precinct Chair or their designee will call the Precinct Convention to order. Each attendee must be a resident of the precinct and have cast a vote in the Primary Election or sign an Oath of Affiliation to the Republican Party in order to qualify to participate in the convention.

After establishing a list of qualified attendees, a permanent chairman and secretary for the Precinct Convention will be elected. Attendees also will nominate and elect delegates to the next level convention, the Senatorial District Convention. Attendees at the Precinct Convention may also introduce resolutions for consideration. After any discussion and perhaps revision, the attendees will vote to determine which resolutions will be forwarded to the Senatorial District Convention.

During the Senatorial District Convention, delegates will consider and vote on resolutions to be forwarded to the State Convention. There also are opportunities during the Senatorial Convention and each subsequent convention for delegates to participate in various committees. In addition, delegates will be nominated and elected to attend the State Convention where they vote on the Republican Party Platform and set the Texas Legislative Priorities for the next legislative session.

It all begins at the local Precinct Convention and that is why every voter should consider participating. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard and to carry it through to the state and national level. Contact your Precinct Chair for more information.


Your vote is your voice, let it be heard.


Get Involved!

The Montgomery County Republican Party needs your help as we prepare for the March Primary Election. It takes many volunteers to help with block walking, educating voters in parking lots, and getting out the vote for strong Conservatives. Please take a moment to learn how you can get involved!


Read The Primary Election: Why Is It So Important? to learn more about the upcoming March 5 Primary and make plans to vote!

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✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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