Republican Voters of Texas PAC’s Deceptive Questionnaire Asks Precinct Chairs for a Pledge of Support

Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Statement From the Vice Chairman

December 29, 2023 |

A letter from Jon Bouché, Vice Chairman, Montgomery County Republican Party

Dear Precinct Chair Candidate,

This morning I received a copy of the questionnaire sent out by the Republican Voters of Texas (RVT) Political Action Committee (PAC). Please read the background below and suggested response as you consider whether to fill out the questionnaire.


Background on the Deceptive RVT PAC

As a reminder, the Republican Voters of Texas PAC was created by Chairman Christ’s wife, Kristin, to deceive Republicans into voting for candidates who are clients of her Southern Heritage Consulting agency.

The RVT, which Kristin now claims to have nothing to do with, has also been condemned by the local Republican Party for dirty electioneering. I guess they are desperate because they are rolling this failed PAC out once again and are not content just to use their newest Montgomery County Republican Club PAC for their deceptive election practices.

Texas Scorecard: Fake Republican PAC Created to Deceive Voters

Just know that if you are not a client of Kristin Christ, have not contributed money to the RVT, or were not recruited by the Christs or the RVT to run against a Conservative Candidate, you are wasting your time in responding to their questionnaire because the RVT will never endorse you. Nor should you want this tainted endorsement anyway.

You will notice that the first question on the RVT questionnaire asks for the candidate’s precinct number, but the next question asks if the candidate will support the “ELECTED COUNTY PRECINCT CHAIRMAN,” which I can only assume is a typo since no such position exists. 

Clearly what Kristin and her people meant to say in all caps was “ELECTED COUNTY CHAIRMAN.” In any case, notice that they didn’t ask if you would comply with the party rules or follow state law. The questionnaire just asks if you would support the chairman and based on what Chairman Christ has done during his disastrous tenure as County Chair, you should have a good idea of what they are asking you to do.

Timeline: How Did We Get Here


Loyalty Tests Are Also Used by Texas Speaker Phelan

I should point out that loyalty tests such as this questionnaire by the RVT are designed to manipulate and are the primary reason that the Texas House is in such disarray. Indeed, this is exactly what the Texas Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan, does to try and bring Conservatives to heel as he consolidates RINO and Democrat support to get elected each session. 

RINO/Uniparty vs. Conservatives Comparison

If a House member won’t sign the pledge to support the Speaker, the member is then targeted by the Speaker and his minions who will work to undermine the dissenting House member in any way that they can. However, if the House member does capitulate and signs the pledge, but then later stands against the Speaker for violating House rules or working against Republican Party interests, the Speaker will then hold up the pledge and claim that the House member is disloyal and lied on the pledge so therefore can’t be trusted.

This questionnaire from Chairman Christ and Kristin Christ’s RVT PAC is right out of that same playbook and is a clear indicator that, if re-elected, Chairman Christ intends to continue his divisive practices of violating party rules and state laws. He wants candidates to agree on this RVT questionnaire that they will support him in doing so.


Suggested Response to RVT Questionnaire

Because these people are so conniving, if the candidate does not respond, the RVT will claim that this is the reason that a candidate was not endorsed by their group. 

So if you really feel the need to respond, I would just ignore the questionnaire altogether and reply to them with an email saying something to the effect of:  

“I noticed that your questionnaire makes no mention of following party rules or state laws and I think that is a basic requirement of a precinct chair. May I recommend that you should reduce your questionnaire to just two questions?

1) Will you comply with party rules and state laws in carrying out your duties as a precinct chair?

2) Will you work to register Republicans, get them engaged, and get them to the polls to vote for Republican candidates?

Furthermore, I think that anyone who signs a pledge or vetting form from ANY organization stating that they will blindly follow the County Chair should be instantly disqualified from holding office at any level.”



Precinct XX Candidate


Never Sacrifice Your Principles

In the book, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, it talks about the lower magistrates taking a stand against tyranny at the upper levels of government.  Signing a loyalty pledge and then discarding your principles has a balloon payment that will cost us our county, state, and country.  YOU, the lower magistrates, are the key to keeping this county “Red.” We must keep doing the right things, the right way, for the right reasons and let the voters figure it out. 

Keep praying, stay strong, and never sacrifice your principles. You will deeply regret it if you do.  



Jon P. Bouché

Vice Chairman – Montgomery County Republican Party


More Information

Please visit the County Party Updates page on our website for additional documentation and background. Visit Upcoming Elections to learn more about researching candidates.


Jon Bouché is Vice Chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Party and serves on the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors. He is the host of Red Zone Politics and co-host of Texas Fully Loaded. He was the 2019 Republican Party Volunteer of the Year for SD 4 and served at the 2022 State Convention on the Platform Committee and as Chair of the Criminal and Civil Justice Committee.

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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