Senator Kolkhorst champions conservative legislation in the 88th Legislative Session
One of the Texas Senators representing Montgomery County, Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, filed a mountain of bills in the 88th Legislative Session focused on issues that matter to Montgomery County residents…
Pursuing the Truth About America’s Founding
Today, even the most basic truths are under assault. But as we celebrate the birth of America, we should never forget that God was not only considered as the cornerstone of 18th century society when our country was founded, but He is mentioned in the very documents that established our nation…
Tonight: Special Report on Ranked-Choice Voting
Join Heritage Action tonight for a one-hour Special Report with John Solomon on Real America’s Voice to get all the information you need on Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV), the Left’s newest scheme to rig elections…
The Color Guard
The month of June has been overrun by new flags that seek to divide, not unite, Americans, but the Stars-and-Stripes is an all-inclusive symbol that does not discriminate on the basis of religion, sex, race, national origin, disability, education, or money…
Recap of the 88th Regular Legislative Session
The Texas Legislature wrapped up its regular session on May 29. The MCRP Legislative Committee has been following the action and put together an analysis of the session’s activity, the results, and what it all means for Montgomery County voters…
Texas Legislative Special Sessions: Sanity or Insanity?
Governor Abbott called a Special Legislative Session to address property tax relief and border security, but the House adjourned after just one day, leaving these issues hanging in the balance. The Senate remains in session…
Governor Abbott appoints John Scott as Interim Attorney General of Texas
Governor Greg Abbott today appointed former Texas Secretary of State John Scott as the interim Attorney General of Texas…
Help us oppose HB 4636, creating dictatorial style political parties
Please help us oppose House Bill (HB) 4636, which will remove the checks and balances provided by precinct chairs who represent local voters in political parties, placing party decisions in the hands of one person - the county chairman…
URGENT! Committee vote tomorrow on HB 4636, creating dictatorial style political parties
Committee vote is tomorrow! Please help us oppose House Bill (HB) 4636, which will remove the checks and balances provided by precinct chairs who represent local voters in political parties, placing party decisions in the hands of one person - the county chairman…
HB 4636 would create dictatorial style political parties, canceling out elected precinct chairs
One could only imagine if Soros-backed money were channeled into counties to get their favorites elected, as we have seen in DA offices across the country. Say goodbye to government by the people…