Vote NO on School District Propositions on the November 5th Ballot
The Montgomery County Republican Party encourages local residents to VOTE NO on all school district propositions on the November 5th ballot.
Eliminating School Property Taxes Is Only Path to Guarantee Permanent Property Tax Cuts
Many taxpayers saw their property taxes increase this year despite the claims of the “largest property tax cut in history” emanating from Austin. The Huffines Liberty Foundation provides analysis.
Governor Abbott signs SB 2 and SB 3: Property Tax Relief
Governor Abbott, Lt. Gov Patrick, and Speaker Phelan embark on state signing tour of SB 2 & SB 3, touting largest tax cut in Texas history. Coming to Montgomery County August 9th…
Legislative Update! SB2: Property Tax Agreement Passes both Senate and House
Providing Governor Abbott follows through on his promise to sign it, the Senate version of property tax relief has passed. In the Senate, Sen. Bettencourt laid out details of the agreement struck between Lt. Gov. Patrick and Speaker Phelan…
Texas second special session began today, focused on property tax relief
Round two of Property Tax Relief began at 3 pm today, as the Texas Legislature was called back into another special session to deal with the issue that hit a wall in the first special session…
Special session stalemate delays Property Tax and Border Security relief
The House and Senate remain in a stalemate with the Senate still in Special Session #1 and the House nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, property tax and border security relief hang in the balance…