Resolution Urging Montgomery Co. Reps to Vote for the Caucus Nominee for Texas House Speaker
The Montgomery County Republican Party passed a resolution this morning calling for all members of the Texas House Republican Caucus, including Rep. Will Metcalf, to immediately unite behind the properly nominated candidate, Rep. David Cook.
County GOP Chairs Urge Support of Rep. David Cook for Texas Speaker
A group of Republican county chairs from across Texas, including Montgomery County GOP Chair Gwen Withrow, have signed a letter declaring their full support for State Rep. David Cook for speaker of the House.
It's Time To Take Back the Texas House!
Contact your state representative to tell them to adhere to the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priority 4 - NO DEMOCRAT CHAIRS and to support a speaker who will do just that!
Texas GOP Chairman’s Update
The Texas uniparty is trying to advance alternative policies in lieu of the Texas GOP Legislative Priorities. Members of Speaker Dade Phelan’s leadership team are trying to protect Democrat chairs. Contact your State Representative today and ask them to stop this practice.