AG Paxton Trial Update: House Prosecutor Rusty Hardin accidentally rests his case


September 13, 2023 | Austin, TX

Just when we thought the big show was gradually fizzling out, the seventh day ended with a spectacular error. After questioning another whistleblower, House Prosecutor and renowned defense attorney Rusty Hardin accidentally rested his case. Could Paxton’s defense have been more tickled and cooperative?

Presumably, Hardin intended to complete his questioning of former deputy Attorney General James Blake Brickman and allow the defense to cross-examine the witness. Clearly shocked, but delighted, defense attorney Tony Buzbee quickly waived his right to cross-examine Brickman to allow the prosecution to rest.

After this development, Paxton’s defense team initially requested a directed verdict, which is essentially a motion to dismiss the case. But after a break, the defense team inexplicably withdrew their motion.

Other Highlights

The expectation was that Paxton’s mistress would be brought in to testify, having been subpoenaed just yesterday. But near day’s end, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick reported, “She is present but is deemed unavailable to testify,” adding both sides agreed to the decision.

Much of the day was filled with the testimony of Andrew Wicker, Paxton’s former travel aide. Wicker shared his concerns that Nate Paul had paid for renovations of the Paxton home in return for political favors. Upon cross-examination and presentation of evidence, however, Wicker allowed that the evidence showed the Paxtons appeared to have paid for the work. Another in a long line of witnesses who seemingly have no actual proof of wrongdoing.

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We urge you to contact your Texas Senator and ask him/her to vote against the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton. We need strong Conservatives and fighters in place to work for the people of Texas. 

Senator Brandon Creighton (SD 4)
(512) 463-0104 (Austin Office)
(281) 292-4128 (District Office)
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Senator Paul Bettencourt (SD 7)
(512) 463-0107 (Austin Office)
(713) 464-0282 (District Office)
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Senator Lois Kolkhorst (SD 18)
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(979) 251-7888 (District Office)
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Paxton Defense Rests Case


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