Paxton Defense Rests Case


Gallery image from day one of the Paxton Trial

September 14, 2023 | Austin, TX

By: Bonnie Lyons, Legislative Chair, Montgomery County Republican Party

You have likely heard the news. The defense team for AG Ken Paxton in his impeachment trial rested late today. At 9 am tomorrow, closing arguments will begin. Each side will have one hour and then the jurors will convene in private to deliberate.

If I were a betting person, I would bet that the senators that comprise the jury are ready to be done with the whole sordid matter, and we will have a verdict before the day is out.

Earlier in the day, the open records division chief at the Attorney General’s Office testified that Paxton had not, in fact, pressured him to release records to Nate Paul’s attorney. An associate deputy AG testified that Paxton, as the head of the Office of the Attorney General, has the right to see a file if he wants to. And the agency’s Director of HR testified that those whistleblowers who lost their jobs were fired for egregious violations of policies.

Meanwhile, Texas Scorecard Publisher Michael Quinn Sullivan tweeted the following:

“There is a non-zero chance some Senate Democrats will be “present not voting” or vote “not guilty” in the #Paxton Trial.

The House performance was that…bad.

Evidence matters, the House said. We have lots of evidence, the House said.

They had zero evidence.”

The end is nigh and it can’t happen soon enough.



The prosecution needs a two-thirds majority, 21 senators, to remove Paxton from office.

As reported by Tom Glass, “The ten Republican Senators who voted against the will of the voters are: Birdwell, Flores, Hancock, Huffman, Hughes, King, Middleton, Nichols, Sparks, and Springer.”

We urge you to contact the 10 senators and ask them to vote NOT GUILTY. We need strong Conservatives and fighters like AG Paxton in place to work for the people of Texas. Suggested script used by a local grassroots Republican is below.

Sen. Birdwell
(512) 463-0122

Sen. Flores
(512) 463-0124

Sen. Hancock
(512) 463-0109

Sen. Huffman
(512) 463-0117

Sen. Hughes
(512) 463-0101

Sen. King
(512) 463-0110

Sen. Middleton
(512) 463-0111

Sen. Nichols
(512) 463-0103

Sen. Sparks
(512) 463-0131

Sen. Springer
(512) 463-0130

Suggested Script:

“I am urging you as a Senate juror to vote NOT GUILTY in the impeachment trial of AG Paxton. AG Paxton is the most conservative AG in the entire US, and he has been going after the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional policies, trying to enforce election integrity, protect our border, and even going after the vaccine mandate. Removing our AG will endanger Texas, which affects the entire U.S.”


Senator Brandon Creighton (SD 4)
(512) 463-0104 (Austin Office)
(281) 292-4128 (District Office)
Send an email

Senator Paul Bettencourt (SD 7)
(512) 463-0107 (Austin Office)
(713) 464-0282 (District Office)
Send an email

Senator Lois Kolkhorst (SD 18)
(512) 463-0118 (Austin Office)
(979) 251-7888 (District Office)
Send an email

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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