Action Alert! Court Permits Porn for Kids


September 11, 2023 | Austin, TX

A message from Christin Bentley, Chair, Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids
Republican Party of Texas


Radicals were given a temporary victory in their quest to rape the minds and emotions of Texas children through pornographic and sexually explicit materials in their school libraries when a Federal Judge temporarily blocked The Reader Act from taking effect on September 1st.

We anticipate a quick appeal from the Acting Attorney General of Texas.

In the meantime, let’s set the record straight: Texas school officials have always had the legal authority and moral imperative to remove explicit materials from their libraries.

We should use this time to see which of our school board trustees are willing to do the right thing by Texas children and remove sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar, and educationally unsuitable materials from Texas schools NOW! To put it plainly, they should remove the books, or we should remove them.

School Board Trustees who provide sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar, and educationally unsuitable materials to children who cannot consent to sex ARE UNFIT FOR OFFICE.

The Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids Legislative Committee will be holding trainings across the state, including online, educating parents and community members on how to identify and remove inappropriate materials from Texas schools.



In most cases, auditing a school library is a simple process. I have created an HB900 Toolkit to help you get started immediately.  Included in the toolkit is a How To Audit School Libraries informational sheet and a list of over 400 books that meet the criteria of HB900 for removal.  It also includes a resolution that can be passed by your Republican County Party that gives a directive to local school boards to remove sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar, and sexually explicit materials NOW. 

You can find the complete toolkit here: HB900 Toolkit.
Note: If you do not wish to subscribe to the Substack channel, simply click "No Thanks" and you will be taken straight to the toolkit.

Please contact Commissioner of Education Mike Morath and ask him to issue a clear directive to remove explicit materials from school libraries NOW!

Commissioner of Education Mike Morath
(512) 463-8985

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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