Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announces Senate power grid agenda


Lt. Governor Dan Patrick

March 9, 2023 | Austin, TX

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today following his press conference with Senator Charles Schwertner (R-Georgetown) and Senator Phil King (R-Weatherford):

“Today, the Texas Senate announced a bold agenda to fix the Texas power grid once and for all. Since Winter Storm Uri, I have been abundantly clear that we need to bring new dispatchable (primarily new natural gas plants) generation online as soon as possible to make sure that Texans have reliable power under any circumstance. That is why I named Senate Bills 6 and 7, by Sen. Charles Schwertner, as two of my top 10 priorities this session.

SB 6 will put steel in the ground to serve as the state’s energy insurance policy and provide low-interest loans for existing dispatchable generators so they can improve the resources we already have. SB 7 addresses market uncertainty and levels the playing field between renewables (windmills and solar) and dispatchable energy by targeting money at the dispatchable assets that we need.

“Our slate of legislation focuses on putting protections in place to ensure that our energy market remains fair for all participants while keeping costs for consumers low. We are going to pass legislation to improve transparency and protect against market abuses, build on the good attributes of the Performance Credit Mechanism (PCM) plan but add a guardrail to ensure manageable rates for Texans, defend the grid from foreign powers and realign our goals to build more dispatchable generation in the coming years.

“Every part of these reforms represents a significant victory for Texas ratepayers. Once these bills become law, our grid will be stronger for our Texas future which is brighter than ever.”

Following the press conference, Senator Charles Schwertner issued the following statement:

“These legislative proposals set forward the framework that ensures Texans have the reliability, transparency and security in our power grid that they deserve. Texans must be assured that we have adequate electricity to power their homes and businesses under any condition and these bills, once signed into law, will do that.”

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