Call to Action! Help us protect all children in CISD schools


March 10, 2023 | Montgomery County, TX

Parents and grandparents will be testifying at the March 21 CISD School Board Meeting against the sexually explicit books on Conroe ISD library shelves and in classrooms. These books are in our middle schools and high schools. Please consider attending to speak out against the obscene books YOUR tax dollars are paying for in our public schools.

WARNING:  The link below is loaded with explicit content excerpts found in these books in our high school libraries as of March 2, 2023.

Obscene and Mature Books Examples (warning - explicit content)

Leftist activists are showing up, heckling those who testify against the obscene books. Please plan to attend and testify or participate by applauding for the speakers AGAINST these pornographic books.

The school board and superintendent base their decisions on “Community Standards.” It is important for us to have a large presence so the school board will realize that our “Community Standards” in Montgomery County do not include pornographic books for minors.


Take Action

Make your voice heard by attending the CISD board meeting!

Tuesday, March 21 at 6pm
CISD Administration Building
3205 W. Davis
Conroe, TX

Attend the CISD board meeting to show your support for this issue. You can also sign up to testify at the board meeting by going to Citizen Participation or by arriving at 5:30 pm to sign in and register to testify.

Send an email to the CISD Board & Superintendent

Please take a moment and send an email to each of the board members and the CISD superintendent. Demand the removal of all obscene books from CISD libraries and classrooms.

Dr. Curtis Null - Superintendent

Skeeter Hubert, President

Teresa Wagaman, 1st VP

Stacey Chase, 2nd VP

Datren Williams, Secretary

Melissa Dungan, Asst. Secretary

Tiffany Nelson, Trustee

Misty Odenweller, Trustee

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The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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