Beware of deceptive voter guides
October 26, 2022 | Montgomery County, TX
It is very important to do your own research before going to vote, and not just rely on a handout at the polls. Although the voter guide may say “Republican” or “Voter PAC,” some of these groups are not affiliated with the Republican Party and organize exclusively during election season to get their candidates elected.
Since there's no law preventing groups from using the word "Republican" in their organization’s name, Democrats sometimes use this tactic to get Republicans to vote against their values.
Be an educated voter and ask the following questions:
Who paid for the voter guide or flyer?
Who is on the organization's board of directors? Is the group led by grassroots citizens or is it driven by campaigns to elect specific individuals?
How often does the group meet? Do they meet on a regular basis or do they only meet during election season?
How are candidates vetted to make sure they are really Republicans? What are the criteria for being included on the flyer?