Dale Inman and Gwen Withrow’s Actions in Support of Israel Speak Far Louder Than Bryan Christ’s Words


Chairman Christ continues to do everything he can to divide the party and attempt to remove strong Republicans from local and state party leadership.

May 22, 2024 | Media Inquiries: press@mctxgop.org

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MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX - A smear campaign against our State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) representatives for Senate District (SD) 4 was emailed to Texas GOP Convention delegates this morning by outgoing Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman, Bryan Christ. The email was full of false and salacious accusations against Gwen Withrow and Dale Inman, and implied that they are both anti-Semitic.

You need to know the facts.

Gwen and Dale voted “YES” to the Texas GOP resolution in support of Israel. When left-leaning elements on the platform committee worked to weaponize this resolution against Conservatives, our SD representatives withstood them, and voted to keep the original resolution language that was approved by the full SREC.

This very week of convention, the National Defense and Foreign Affairs sub-committee removed plank 271 from the Republican Party of Texas Platform. This is the plank in support of Israel. Dale Inman courageously stood against this action and worked to return the pro-Israeli plank back into the platform. Giving testimony and amendments to restore this plank, Dale was successful.

Gwen Withrow has been a long-standing member of Christians United For Israel (CUFI), the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States. CUFI works to educate and empower Americans to speak and act in defense of Israel and the Jewish people.

Dale Inman and Gwen Withrow's actions in support of Israel speak far louder than Chairman Christ’s words. Our SREC representatives loudly and proudly support Israel.

Here’s the deal — the outgoing Chairman is throwing a temper tantrum because:

  • 63% of Montgomery County Republicans voted against him in the March Primary Election.

  • He was censured by the local Republican Party.

  • He did not win the lawsuit he filed against volunteers of the Republican Party.


Chairman Christ continues to do everything he can to divide the party and attempt to remove strong Republicans from local and state party leadership. He is seeking vengeance on the new County Chair, Gwen Withrow, and the Grassroots Republicans involved in the party.


Bryan Christ's term will expire on June 18th. We ask all Republicans to no longer listen to his bitter and angry words. The Montgomery County Party must unite and focus on electing Republicans in November. We urge all Republicans seeking peace to dismiss Bryan Christ, his divisive lies, and his childish antics.

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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