Leave No Republican Voter Behind!

Leave no Republican voter behind!

August 18, 2024 | Montgomery County, TX

Texans must deliver a huge margin of victory in the November Presidential Election if we're going to offset the influx of new voters from leftist blue states, unlawful votes from illegals, and election integrity issues. While Trump prevailed in Texas in the 2020 Presidential Election, it was closer than many people realize - Trump took only 52% of the vote with Biden securing 47%.

The border invasion, 15M unvetted illegals, crime and violent attacks, the sexualization of children, crumbling infrastructure, weakness on the world stage...

Even with the Biden-Harris Administration's disastrous policies, only 8.1 million Texans voted in the 2022 Midterm Elections out of 17.7 million registered voters. Since that time, more than 100,000 people have moved from California to Texas and in 2023, Texas more than doubled the rest of the nation's population growth.

Texas voters must turn out in force in the November Election for Trump, Cruz, and Republicans down the ballot. Apathy is our greatest enemy in the battle for our nation.


What Can One Person Do?


1) Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote

If you've moved since the last time you voted, be sure to update your address before October 7th in order to vote in the November Presidential Election. Visit the links below to check your registration status, change your address, or register to vote for the first time.

 Texas Deadline: October 7, 2024 ✯


2) Remind your like-minded contacts to register.

You can make a difference by speaking to your fellow Republicans, Conservatives, Independents, Christians - anyone who is tired of watching the United States of America being destroyed by leaders who refuse to follow the Constitution. Click below for an email you can share - keep the forward going to reach as many people as possible!


DID YOU KNOW? It is estimated that 40-50 million of the 82 million Evangelicals in America DO NOT VOTE and as many as 25 million are NOT REGISTERED.

🞂 Download the fast-track process to launching a voter registration drive at your church if you do not already have one. This is written as a letter that you can provide to your pastor.

🞂 Invite your pastor to the September 12th Montgomery County Pastor/Leader Prayer Breakfast and Briefing With Senator Brandon Creighton. This is a great opportunity for pastors to hear strategies for defending our faith, our freedom, and our families.


3) Expose the gaslighting.

According to Republican National Committeewoman for Texas, Debbie Georgatos, one of the most important jobs we all have between now and the November 5th Election is to expose the gaslighting being perpetrated on the American people by speaking truth instead.

For example, Democrats and their media allies continue to claim that Vice President Kamala Harris was never the border czar and that she never said the border was secure. They also falsely claim the excitement for Harris is so over the top that she raked in $250 Million in just days. These are lies that must be exposed.

Texas RNC Committee Members, Dr. Robin Armstrong and Debbie Georgatos

Texas RNC Committee Members, Dr. Robin Armstrong and Debbie Georgatos


4) Help us rally the vote.

Make plans to attend our Rally the Vote event on August 27th at 6:30 pm in Willis, featuring County Judge Mark Keough, Texas Senator Brandon Creighton, and District Attorney Brett Ligon.

A coalition of local Republican groups will share the plans being put together to win in November, including elections poll support, election integrity, and get out the vote efforts. It is going to be an educational meeting dedicated to electing Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Republicans down the ballot. Bring your conservative friends and learn how YOU can be involved in the fight for liberty!

Rally the Vote, August 27

5) Volunteer with the party!

The Montgomery County Republican Party needs block walkers, volunteers to hand out voter guides in parking lots during the election, and election workers. Training is required for election workers, so it's important to sign up early so you'll have time to attend. We're also looking for creatives with graphic design, social media, or email marketing experience. Help us defeat the radical leftists who are destroying our country - volunteer today!

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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