Why Do Establishment Republicans Constantly Slander the Montgomery County Tea Party?


February 15, 2024 | Montgomery County, TX

Establishment Republicans desperately want you to believe that the Montgomery County Tea Party is causing the split in the Republican Party and wants to “take over” the county party. In reality, the Montgomery County Tea Party is made up of grassroots Conservatives who advocate for We the People and is a distinct organization, separate from the Montgomery County Republican Party.

The Montgomery County Tea Party publishes a popular voter guide that relies on hours of extensive interviews and research to endorse the most conservative candidates - Uniparty and RINO organizations DO NOT want Montgomery County voters to use this guide!

Let’s take a closer look at what the Montgomery County Tea Party advocates for, how it compares to the Republican Party of Texas, and why RINOs and Uniparty Republicans continually malign this organization.


Montgomery County Tea Party Mission Statement

“The mission of the Montgomery County Tea Party PAC (MCTP PAC) is to organize, educate, and empower present and future generations to better convey our opinions and encourage the adoption of our Core Values. We will promote our Core Values in the hearts and minds of our members, elected officials, and fellow citizens. We will support candidates at the local, state, and federal levels who espouse our Core Values.”


Montgomery County Tea Party Core Values

Acknowledgement of our Creator: The same Lord and Creator that is mentioned throughout our country’s founding document, “The Declaration of Independence,” is omnipresent today. MCTP PAC acknowledges that God is the Creator of all things and that without God, our efforts are insignificant. We are inspired by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. We regard the U.S. Constitution to be the supreme law of the land.


God is the Creator of all things and without God, our efforts are insignificant. We are inspired by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. We regard the U.S. Constitution to be the supreme law of the land.


Uphold the Free Markets: A free market is the economic outcome of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, as do we. Government interference with the free market, whether it originates from federal, state, or local government, is punitive, unwelcome, and disruptive, thereby inhibiting individual pursuit of happiness and economic liberty.

Uphold Limited Government: We believe that “The best government is that which governs least.” (Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience). The federal government is limited to actions authorized by the U.S. Constitution. We support individual liberty and individual responsibility: thus, the states or the people should act in all other matters.

Uphold Fiscal Responsibility:  A limited government, designed to protect the blessings of liberty, must be fiscally responsible. Increased spending, taxation, and debt unjustly restrict the very individual liberty that limited government is designed to protect, abrogate the rights the U.S. Constitution is designed to secure, and threaten our national sovereignty.

Uphold Ethics: We believe in honesty, transparency, and ethical practices. The end does not justify the means. Our principles are important, and the methods we use to achieve them are important. We want our government to be an ethical government, so we must be ethical, as well.

How do these statements and principles line up with the Republican Party of Texas (RPT)? Let’s take a look.

Comparison of Montgomery County Tea Party and Republican Party of Texas core principles.

Which of these core beliefs is objectionable?

Which of these core beliefs do Establishment Republicans object to? Is it the personal responsibility and accountability? How about honesty and integrity? Could it be the principle of limited government, decentralized government, or the Constitution that they just can’t abide? Is it the support of the Republican Party Platform and Principles?

The Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman, Bryan Christ, constantly slanders the Montgomery County Tea Party. Yet he has been involved with PACs using the Republican Party brand to trick voters, and printing “Republican” voter guides that support his wife’s political consulting firm clients. The Montgomery County Tea Party has a strict vetting process for its endorsements and voter guides. The Montgomery County Tea Party works to warn Montgomery County voters about the deceptive voter guides produced by the Chairman’s PACs, and the Montgomery County Tea Party voter guide is the most trusted guide in Montgomery County, putting it in competition with the Chairman’s deceptive PAC voter guides. Could this be why local Establishment Republicans, including the Chairman and his followers, are against the Freedom Caucus and Tea Party?

2024 Primary Election Information  »

Conservative Voter Guides  »

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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