Montgomery County GOP Makes History With First-Ever Lincoln Reagan Dinner


Photos: JW Baugh Photography

Montgomery County is ready to fight for Texas and our nation!

September 20, 2024 | Montgomery County, TX

The Montgomery County Republican Party held its first-ever Lincoln Reagan Dinner on September 13th at The Woodlands Marriott with 300 guests in attendance. Keynote speaker, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, fired up the crowd to fight for Texas and our nation, along with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw, Emcee Texas Senator Brandon Creighton, and more. The financial total has not been determined yet, but the money raised will enable the party to make a tremendous effort in getting out the vote for President Trump, Senator Cruz, and Republicans all the way down the ballot.


Speakers & Special Guests

Senator Cruz shared that “liberty is worth defending” and asked everyone to vote for Republicans on the November ballot “10 times—first, by voting yourself. Then, by texting nine people to say, “this election matters. Our country is in crisis and we need to defend America. I’m asking you to stand up and fight.” If you get nine people to vote who wouldn’t have voted otherwise, you just voted 10 times.”

Attorney General Paxton highlighted the importance of Montgomery County in the upcoming election, explaining that Montgomery County made the difference in electing Senator Cruz and himself. “We were behind until the Montgomery County totals came in,” he said. “Montgomery County matters. Your efforts matter in this fight to save Texas and our country.”

Congressman Crenshaw explained how Montgomery County patriots can help take back our country. “Republicans need your votes, but we also need you to convince others,” he said. “If we persuade others of the benefits of voting Republican, Trump will win, Schumer will be a minority leader, Speaker Johnson will have a bigger House majority—and with that trifecta we could actually implement some of the wins that we’ve been talking about for so long.”

Montgomery County GOP Vice Chairman, Jon Bouché, opened the event and introduced County Chairman, Gwen Withrow. Chairman Withrow welcomed attendees and highlighted the importance of the upcoming election. Rev. Jason Nelson of Grace Woodlands Church offered a prayer for elected officials and our nation. Judge John Hafley led the Pledge of Allegiance and CISD Trustee Tiffany Nelson sang a stirring rendition of the National Anthem. Texas Senator Brandon Creighton served as Emcee for the evening and motivated attendees to get involved locally.

Other speakers included Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine; Texas Representative Steve Toth; candidate for Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Place 7, Mrs. Gina Parker; and former Republican Party of Texas Chairman, White House Deputy Assistant to President Trump, and Principal Deputy Director of the Office of Public Liaison, Steve Munisteri.

“Our guest speakers were engaging and of course our keynote speaker, Senator Ted Cruz, rocked the crowd,” said Fundraising Chair Jackie Williams. “He sure knows how to ignite everyone’s Republican blood! We appreciate all of our speakers for their willingness to speak at our event and for their passionate calls for unity and hard work as Republicans head into the November Election.”

Photos: JW Baugh Photography


Hosts & Sponsors

The Montgomery County Republican Party would especially like to thank our Texas Legend and American Patriot Sponsors, Kim & Robert Marling, Debbie & Dinesh D’Souza, and Congressman Dan Crenshaw, as well as our many other generous sponsors.

“We are so thankful for each of our sponsors,” said County Chair Withrow. “Not only did they make this beautiful event possible, but they are helping us finance our crucial efforts to turn out Montgomery County big in November and push President Trump, Senator Cruz, and all of our Republican candidates to victory.”


Thank You From the Fundraising Chair

“I wish to thank our wonderful Fundraising Committee for their many hours of hard work,” said Fundraising Chair Jackie Williams. “John Wertz is our financial wizard and located many sponsors for the event. DJ Fike is so skilled with the paperwork and a wealth of information. Our amazing Neda Henery was the decorator extraordinaire whose vision came to life. The event was beautiful.”

“I’d also like to thank Elizabeth Rickard for creating the graphics and event program,” she said. “Kim Weber was responsible for the fantastic swag bags for the top level sponsors. Karen Zeller was an excellent event coordinator with the Waterway Marriott. Gwen Withrow and Dale Inman helped us get the wonderful guest speakers for the event. Melinda Olinde organized our volunteers and helped with every other aspect of the event. Many thanks to all of these patriots.”

The Montgomery County Republican Party is so very appreciative of Jackie for her tireless work organizing and coordinating the event. “We couldn’t have done it without her,” said Victory Chair John Wertz. “She showed tremendous professionalism and was amazing at coordinating all of the details and volunteers.”

The party would also like to offer a very special thank you to Sarah Allison, pianist; Pastor Jason Nelson; CISD Trustee Tiffany Nelson; Mark McCaskey with The Woodlands Waterway Marriott; and the party’s Communication Committee.


About the Lincoln Reagan Dinner

Republican county parties across the nation hold Lincoln Reagan dinners to celebrate the legacies of two of our greatest presidents and raise funds to elect Republicans up and down the ballot. The 2024 election is about the preservation of our Republic and our Constitution. We encourage you to register to vote and get involved in the fight to defend America First Principles in our county, state, and nation.

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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