PACs impersonating the Republican Party


June 15, 2023 | Montgomery County, TX

Chairman Bryan Christ’s “Montgomery County Republican Club PAC” has changed the language on its July 17 “Continue the Legacy” fundraiser advertising materials by removing all references to the Republican Party Headquarters. 

The new language says:

“This will be a wonderful night as we raise funds for the Montgomery County Republican Club. Funds will directly benefit the operating costs of the Republican Welcome Center and Republican Community Outreach in Montgomery County.”

The following language was removed: 

“The Republican Welcome Center is a home for Montgomery County Republican activities, and also hosts the Republican Party Headquarters and its amazing volunteers coordinated by Dorothy Woodall.  During the 2024 Republican Primary season, Chairman Bryan Christ will be using the Center to accept applications for candidates to appear on the ballot. The Center will also house candidates’ signs and literature, pertinent information regarding Republican values and clubs, and voting information. We appreciate your support in funding this very necessary office space!”

The “Republican Welcome Center,” also called the “Republican Clubhouse,” and the associated July 17 fundraiser ARE NOT affiliated with the Montgomery County Republican Party in any way.

As explained in the original news release, the “Republican Welcome Center” is the headquarters of Chairman Christ’s “Montgomery County Republican Club PAC” and is not affiliated with the Montgomery County Republican Party. Anyone who donated to this fundraiser thinking they were funding the Montgomery County Republican Party headquarters should ask the Montgomery County Republican Club for a refund.



The Montgomery County Republican Party DOES NOT endorse in Primary Elections. If you receive a “Republican Voter Guide” that endorses one Republican over another, you can be sure it is not an official guide from the Republican Party even if it uses the word “Republican” in its name.

The “Republican Welcome Center,” also called the “Republican Clubhouse,” and the associated July 17 fundraiser ARE NOT affiliated with the Montgomery County Republican Party in any way.

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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