Call To Action! HB 900, Ban on Porn in School Libraries


TAKE ACTION - Please contact Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and your Texas Senator and express your support for a speedy and favorable Senate floor vote on this important bill before it’s too late for this session. See below for contact information.


May 19, 2023 | Austin, TX

Update: HB 900 was placed on the Senate Intent Calendar for May 21 but has not yet received a vote.

The bill to address the problem of sexually explicit materials in your children’s school libraries has only to receive a vote on the Senate floor before going to the governor for his signature.

HB 900 made it out of the House Public Education Committee yesterday with a favorable report and without amendments. Attempts were made to change the bill with what we considered a poison pill amendment that would have put a rating system for library books in the hands of education bureaucrats with TEA and SBOE.

Thankfully, that attempt was unsuccessful. Do not believe the opponents of this bill that say this is about book banning or freedom of speech. We have always protected our children from corrupting influences. Many materials have been found in our school libraries that are too shocking to submit online or in a school board meeting, yet were deemed suitable for our kids by the schools.


Please contact Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and your Texas Senator and express your support for a speedy and favorable Senate floor vote on this important bill before it’s too late for this session.  

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
(512) 463-0001
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Sen. Brandon Creighton
(512) 463-0104 (Austin Office)
(281) 292-4128 (District Office)
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Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
(512) 463-0118 (Austin Office)
(979) 251-7888 (District Office)
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Sen. Paul Bettencourt
(512) 463-0107 (Austin Office)
(713) 464-0282 (District Office)
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