A Very Merry Christmas: Celebrating a New Direction for Our Nation
Chairman Gwen Withrow and husband, Bob, spread Christmas cheer at the December meeting of the East Montgomery County Republican Women, with EMCRW President Holly Juneau.
December 17, 2024 | Montgomery County, TX
by Montgomery County GOP Chair, Gwen Withrow
I want to wish everyone in Montgomery County a very Merry Christmas! It seems like an especially happy time this year as a new optimism sweeps the nation. The biggest election of our lifetime profoundly changed the direction of our country.
We traditionally express peace and blessings to our friends and family at Christmas. My husband, Bob, and I want to especially thank the East Montgomery County Republican Women, who allowed us to play Santa and Mrs. Claus at their Christmas party. It was so much fun to have our picture made with all of the children and give out presents. Also, a special thank you to the Art Aguilar Law Firm for sponsoring our Republican Christmas party at GOP headquarters and to the volunteers who worked so hard to make it a special evening. All of these fun events reflect the happiness of the season.

When thinking about the reason for the joy and celebration of Christmas, I often remember my trip to Israel, which profoundly affected the direction of my life. Upon my return from Israel, I started researching and studying its history and began to realize the importance of knowing the facts behind world events. It was the start of my political interest as my research efforts turned to issues closer to home. My husband and I began to attend events and our eyes were opened to what was happening to our own country.
One of my most memorable experiences in Israel was visiting the Church of the Nativity. For some reason, I cannot remember why, we were the only bus in the huge parking garage and the only group at the church. I have seen pictures of huge lines and crowds, which is the normal visit experience. There were only 40 of us and we were able to explore areas by ourselves and have personal tours. When we descended to the grotto area, it was in groups of 10 at a time. I will always remember my opportunity to touch the 14-point silver star and the rock below, which is the traditional spot of the birthplace of Jesus. There is strong evidence that points to this being the cave in which Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago. It was a very exciting experience and I dedicated my life anew to whatever God wanted from me.
Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, where a 14-point silver star marks the traditional site of Jesus’ birth.
I would like to point out that the real gift of Christmas was when Jesus covered my sin with his blood. I proudly stand before my God, knowing that all he sees is a Child of God redeemed by the blood. So, I’d like to take this opportunity to put aside politics and praise God for giving us a chance to save our nation. I am convinced that America and its citizens were heading for destruction, but God’s grace has granted us the ability to change the direction of the country we love so much.
As we celebrate this time, I thank God for my Savior Jesus and for giving us a new beginning. I again lay my life at the feet of Jesus and ask for his direction for my life—His will not mine.