Texas Prayer Call With Rep. Steve Toth and Pastor Jason Nelson


December 20, 2024 | Media Inquiries: press@mctxgop.org

It's going to take a statewide prayer effort to break the back of the enemy of our souls. Join us this Sunday at 7 pm for a Zoom prayer meeting. Let's call down heaven upon Texas, its leaders, and the upcoming 89th Texas Legislative Session.

Time: Dec 22, 2024, 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 935 8108 7009

Passcode: Q8PdqB

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


Urge Rep. Will Metcalf to Vote for the Caucus Nominee for Texas House Speaker