Electing strong Conservatives who will uphold the Constitution.

Don’t miss the 2nd Annual Crawfish & Shrimp Boil on April 26th!

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Help Us Win the Fight for Your Values

We won a crucial battle in November. In Montgomery County, Trump received 72.3% of the vote and Montgomery County netted approximately 140,000 votes for Trump, the largest net gain by a single county for Trump in Texas. It is so exciting to actually be represented by a politician who puts America and “We the People” first, but we also must address issues taking place in the Texas House. Our county and country depend on Texas staying RED.

Republican Party of Texas Principles

Principios Republicanas

Election Integrity
Proteger las Elecciones

Border Security
Seguridad Fronteriza

Religious & Medical Freedom
Libertad Religiosa y Médica

Parental Control of Education
Control de los Padres de la Educación

Uphold the Constitution
Mantener la Constitución

Tax & Inflation Reduction
Reducción de Impuestos y Inflación

Energy Independence
La Independencia Energética

Pro-Life & Family Values
La Proteccion de la Vida y la Familia

Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas logo