Legislative Alert! HB 7 & SCR 23, revive dead border protection measures


HB 7 - Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Border Security Committee on May 18. Please call or email members of the Senate Border Security Committee and ask them to pass this bill out of committee with an amendment removing the requirement to obtain consent from border county commissioners.

SCR 23 - Please call or email members of the House State Affairs Committee and demand a quick hearing and referral to Calendars and a House Vote.


May 15, 2023 | Austin, TX

It is remarkable that, as hordes of illegal immigrants gather at our southern border, HB 20 died an ignominious death by Points of Order in the House.

Nevertheless, two bills still in play would offer Texans very important protections and we must make our voices heard in Austin if we have any hope of dealing with border security.

Representative Ryan Guillen of District 31 managed to amend his bill, HB 7, to add the Border Protection Unit that was lost with HB 20. However, it does not include a very critical section that gives Texans the right to independent, no-permission-needed self-defense. That element is included in SCR 23 by Senator Lois Kolkhorst of District 18.

SCR 23 passed the Senate and is waiting for a hearing in the House State Affairs Committee. With so little time left, we must focus on our most important bills and this is one of them.


HB 7 - Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Border Security Committee on May 18. Please call or email members of the Senate Border Security Committee and ask them to pass this bill out of committee with an amendment removing the requirement to obtain consent from border county commissioners.

Chair - Sen. Brian Birdwell (R)
(512) 463-0122

Vice Chair - Sen. Pete Flores (R)
(512) 463-0124

Sen. César Blanco (D)
(512) 463-0129

Sen. Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa (D)
(512) 463-0120

Sen. Phil King (R)
(512) 463-0110

SCR 23 - Please call or email members of the House State Affairs Committee and demand a quick hearing and referral to Calendars and a House Vote.

Chair - Rep. Todd Hunter (R)
(512) 463-0672

Vice Chair - Rep. Ana Hernandez (D)
(512) 463-0614

Rep. Rafael Anchía (D)
(512) 463-0746

Rep. Jay Dean (R)
(512) 463-0750

Rep. Charlie Geren (R)
(512) 463-0610

Rep. Ryan Guillen (R)
(512) 463-0416

Rep. Will Metcalf (R-Dist. 16, Montgomery County)
(512) 463-0726

Rep. Richard Peña Raymond (D)
(512) 463-0558

Rep. Shelby Slawson (R)
(512) 463-0628

Rep. John T. Smithee (R)
(512) 463-0702

Rep. David Spiller (R)
(512) 463-0526

Rep. Senfronia Thompson (D)
(512) 463-0720

Rep. Chris Turner (D)
(512) 463-0574

Brandon Creighton
(512) 463-0104 (Austin Office)
(281) 292-4128 (District Office)
Send an email

Lois Kolkhorst
(512) 463-0118 (Austin Office)
(979) 251-7888 (District Office)
Send an email

Paul Bettencourt
(512) 463-0107 (Austin Office)
(713) 464-0282 (District Office)
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Update: SB 1070 Revived, Your Voice Matters!


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