A Christmas Prayer

A Christmas Prayer

December 19, 2023 | Montgomery County, TX

by Patricia Carr, Precinct 83 Chair

Our Father who art in Heaven, we love thee. We honor, worship, and adore thee. Hallowed be thy name, now and forever.

We thank thee, Dear Father, for this season of the year, when it is our privilege to remember and to celebrate the birth of thy perfect son, Jesus Christ. We thank Him for his life, and for the example he set before us of how we should live our lives.

We thank Thee that in the pre-mortal council in Heaven, He volunteered to come to earth, to be tried and tested as we all will be, and to give his life for us as an atoning sacrifice to redeem us from our sins and from the buffetings of Satan.

We thank Thee Father for his wonderful mother, Mary, who was willing to take on the role of his mother, knowing the criticism and the lies and speculation that would be spread about her. What a wonderful, perfect, loving vessel she was to have been chosen to fulfill that role in life. And we thank Thee for Sweet Joseph, who married Mary and became the earthly father figure for thy Beloved Son, Jesus. What a marvelous man he had to have been. It was from Joseph that Jesus learned to be a carpenter, and many other things about earthly life.

We thank Thee Father in Heaven that Jesus condescended to be born in a stable. As Thy perfect sacrificial lamb, that he would be wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a stone manger as his crib, as the shepherds of the Temple flock did with their own sacrificial lambs for their protection.

Father, we love our Savior, Jesus Christ, with all of our hearts and souls. We pray for forgiveness for our sins and our weaknesses. We pray for strength and faith that we might always think of the life of our Savior, and pattern our lives after His, every day that we live on this earth. We pray, Father, that as we pattern our lives after His, that we might be instruments in thy hands to bring souls unto Thee each day that we live.

Father, we ask a blessing on our beloved nation. Wilt thou reach out thy hand and heal our country? Please remove all those espousing evil in our land and in our government offices. May our land once again be the land our Founding Fathers gave us which was inspired by thee.

And may we keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts every day of every year that we live.

In the sacred and Holy name of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ.


✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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