The Gaslighting Continues in the Texas House
March 15, 2025 | Media Inquiries:
If you’re a Republican voter, chances are you have been seeing an avalanche of social media posts and receiving texts and emails from various political action groups telling you how wonderful the legislative session is going. But is that the truth?
Let’s take a look at how it’s going under Speaker Dustin Burrows’ leadership with the House Rules he put forth that give expanded powers to Democrats.
Texas House Accomplishments So Far
The 89th Legislative Session began on January 14. As of March 15, we are 61 days into the session and the session is 44 percent complete.
The Texas House thus far has accomplished the following:
Extended Weekends (lasting more than 4 days) – 9
Governor Abbott’s Emergency Items Acted upon – 0
Bills Passed – 0
Republican Legislative Priority Bills Advanced – 0
Substantive Resolutions Passed – 0
Resolutions Honoring Beyoncé – 1 (This really happened instead of focusing on Property Tax Relief.)
Resolutions Honoring Zoroastrianism (pre-Islamic religion) – 1 (This is not a joke.)
In addition to the above “accomplishments,” one of the Democrat Committee Chairs also killed a budget rider to stop taxpayer funded DEI that was proposed by Rep. Brian Harrison.
You may ask, “How is this even possible since we have received texts and emails telling us that there are no Democrat Chairs?” The answer is that under the new House Rules, sub-committees were formed and those DO have Democrat Chairs. As such, when the Democrats want key Conservative legislation killed, they run it through a sub-committee first where it dies.
The theme of this legislative session is “Gaslighting” and it appears that this will continue until the 89th Legislative Session adjourns Sine Dei on June 2nd. You should also expect to see bills passed with very deceptive titles to try and fool Republican voters into thinking that the legislative session was successful or at least not a total loss. But make no mistake—on December 7th when Burrows and his 26 supporters walked out of the Republican Caucus and joined the Democrats, the Republican majority in the Texas House was squandered and the 89th Legislative Session was doomed.