Six Steps You Can Take Now To Elect Conservatives in the 2024 Primary


July 23, 2023 | Montgomery County, TX

Now that the regular session of the 88th Texas Legislature has ended, it's time to evaluate your elected representatives to make sure they voted according to your conservative principles and the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities. Here are six steps grassroots activists can take now to elect strong Conservatives in the 2024 Primary Election.


#1: Protect the Republican Party Brand

We have a two-party system and since one of those parties seems determined to destroy everything America stands for, it is imperative that we protect the Republican Party brand as the only viable option. Voters must have a reason to make the effort to get to the polls. Making sure that Republican Party Principles are front and center, and holding elected officials accountable to those Principles, is key to that effort. Allowing deceptive Political Action Committees (PACs) to hijack the Republican brand will mean the demise of our Party, county, and state.

Remember, the Montgomery County Republican Party DOES NOT endorse in Primary Elections; therefore, if you receive a “Republican Voter Guide” that endorses one Republican over another, you can be sure it is not an official guide from the Republican Party even if it uses the word “Republican” in its name.

Texas Scorecard on fake “Republican” PAC in Montgomery County  »

Texas Scorecard on deceptive PACs in Montgomery County  »

Attending Republican Party meetings is a great way to get involved in shaping the Republican Party in Montgomery County and Texas. We are a diverse group of dedicated volunteers standing together to elect Conservatives and keep Montgomery County RED! The grassroots of the Republican Party of Texas is more fired up than ever to defend Texas and save America. All county Republicans are welcome - we'd love to meet you in person!

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“Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.”

President Dwight Eisenhower


#2: Evaluate Your Texas Legislators

The Primary Election is the time when political parties choose who will represent them on the General Election ballot. We want voters to choose true Conservative Republicans instead of Republicans in Name Only (RINOs)! Now is the time to become familiar with your current elected officials, evaluate their job performance, and decide if you want to re-hire them for another term.

Look up how your Texas legislators voted on issues important to you:

View bills filed by your Texas legislators:

  • Did your legislators champion bills supporting the Legislative Priorities? If they supported legislation that undermined the Party and Party Principles, then they are not representing you and should be replaced. 

  • View all bills filed by your state legislators.

View your House Representative’s vote on the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton:


#3: Attend Grassroots Events

Attend as many grassroots events as you can and get plugged in. The most effective teams are comprised of people who know, like, and trust each other. You can’t be part of the team if you stay home. If you want to keep our county RED, get involved today!

There are several local conservative organizations that research candidates and can help you make informed decisions in local elections. Attending meetings of these groups can make you a more informed voter, preparing you to take back our country in 2024. Some of these groups vet candidates and publish trustworthy voter guides, and others offer candidate forums so you can hear directly from candidates prior to the election.

As mentioned above, we’d love to meet you in person at our next Republican Party meeting! We are so thankful for the dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly every single day to keep Montgomery County RED and need more to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them when they become weary in the fight. All county Republicans are welcome.

Save the date for our next meeting  »


#4: Attend Local Boards & Government Meetings

Staying apprised of what’s happening at the local government level is often overlooked by voters, but is key to taking back our country. The selection of true conservative candidates takes place in the Primary!

Non-partisan boards such as school boards and city councils determine about 90 percent of your taxes. If you are not paying close attention to what they are doing, you will pay the price.

Did you know that YOUR tax dollars are paying for obscene books in our public schools? Leftist activists are showing up to school board meetings, but few Christian Conservatives speak out at these meetings. We need to wake the "sleeping giant” and get involved!

Visit our calendar to view the latest board meetings taking place in Montgomery County. Select “Local Boards & Government” from the drop-down menu to the right of the calendar to view only local board meetings.

Click here and enter your address to pull up a personalized list of your local elected officials. Visit their websites to find out what they do and join their email lists.

Now is the time to become familiar with your local elected officials so you will be able to determine if they need to be replaced during the election. Attending grassroots events and accessing their vetting resources and voter guides is invaluable in this process (see #3 above).


#5: Educate the Voters

Every election cycle we have groups such as the “Texas Conservative Tea Party Coalition” aka the Fake Tea Party, the condemned “Republican Voters of Texas PAC,” and the brand new “Montgomery County Republican Club PAC.” These groups attempt to blur the lines between their organizations and the actual Republican Party in an effort to deceive voters into voting for their preferred candidates. Some of these organizations are “pay-to-play,” meaning the candidates are paying to be listed on their voter guides as part of their campaigns.

Why It Matters  »

If you are not talking to the voters in your precinct about this, we will end up electing RINOs who will destroy public confidence in the Republican Party brand.

Attend our meetings and contact your Precinct Chair to get involved locally. Your neighbors need to know how to research candidates and where to find trustworthy voter guides. Send people to our website at and encourage them to attend our meetings and local grassroots organizations. You are key to helping your neighbors make educated decisions at the polls!


#6: Recruit People To “Get Out the Vote” and Run for Office

All concerned citizens are needed to keep Texas free and save America. From block-walking to serving as an election worker or helping on a committee, we’re always in need of patriots willing to stand up for conservative values by getting out the vote or running for office. Please join us to get true Conservative Republicans elected. Contact us if you have questions about how to help or run for office.

Supporting events like the current Drive the Vote Golf Tournament allows the Montgomery County Republican Party to send mailers, text messages, and other forms of advertising to educate voters and encourage them to vote their conservative values. Your participation or sponsorship makes a huge difference in how many people we can reach during the Primary Election.


The Texas Primary

The Texas Primary will be held on March 5, 2024, and is every voter’s best opportunity to either affirm their approval or show their disapproval for their elected officials. Your vote is your voice and it must be heard. Working with your local Republican Party is an effective way to learn about issues that directly affect your community and your freedoms.

Save the date for our next meeting  »
Drive the Vote Golf Tournament  »
Contact your Precinct Chair  »
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✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


Bills List: Property Tax Relief (Special Sessions Only)


Senator Kolkhorst champions conservative legislation in the 88th Legislative Session