Bob Lux, Woodlands Water Association President and Woodlands MUD #60 President

Bob Lux, Woodlands Water Association President and Woodlands MUD #60 President

Bob Lux, Woodlands Water Association President and Woodlands MUD #60 President

Bob Lux serves as the President of The Woodlands Municipal Utility District (MUD) #60 Board of Directors and the President of the Woodlands Water Association (WWA) Board of Trustees, having been elected in 2014 as a Director, and currently serves on several MUD committees. He is a 25-year resident of MUD 60, has been married for 52 years, and is a member of St. Anthony of Padua parish in The Woodlands. Lux also is a member of the Texas Water Conservation Association (TWCA) State Board of Trustees (2018 - Present), a non-profit promoting sound water policy for the state.

Lux retired in 2012 from a 42-year career in the water, wastewater, drainage, and construction industries, remaining as a consultant for the industry for several years after. Stating why he serves he said, “I felt that I possessed the applicable industry knowledge, skills, and experience to serve my community with prudent leadership in its present and future utility needs.” 


MUD 60 and Woodlands Water Agency

Lux shared the functions of both the WWA and MUD #60, which operates the same as all MUDs in The Woodlands. The MUD is a not-for-profit political subdivision of the State of Texas, which has been authorized by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ). These MUDs supply water for public and private use, both commercial and domestic. They also manage domestic, industrial, or communal waste. Finally, they manage all local storm water functions.

MUD 60 (and all Woodlands MUDs) is a publicly elected board, which is under the supervision of the Texas Water Commission (TWC) and other agencies. 

Lux explains, “The Board establishes policies, provides oversight and governance of the utility in the best interests of its residential and commercial customers. The MUD adopts and enforces the necessary charges, rates, fees, and taxes which are required to provide the district with the facilities, goods and services which are necessary to fulfill its responsibilities on behalf of its customers.”

Woodlands Water Agency (WWA) serves as the central management agency to all MUDs in The Woodlands, including MUD 60. Each MUD, 10 in total for The Woodlands, elects a member to serve on the Board of Trustees on the WWA.  Services the agency provides include retail water distribution, wastewater collection, storm drainage, and collecting taxes. WWA partners with the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA).

Lux said, “The WWA MUDs are the retail provider of these SJRA products as well as other essential products and services to fulfill the utility system needs of the customers in our MUDs. MUDs and the ongoing relationship with SJRA are part of the long-term, Master Planned Community vision of George P. Mitchell for The Woodlands.”


Goals, Accomplishments, and Challenges

Lux states that his goals are to “provide and maintain a utility system which delivers an adequate long-term source of water, treatment of wastewater, and adequate drainage, fulfill the expected service levels, maintain the high standards expected by this community, at the best rates possible, today and for decades to come.”

During his years of service, Lux states several of his accomplishments including:

  • Recruiting and retaining a new WWA General Manager.

  • Providing conservative fiduciary responsibility and oversight in both rates and expense control to MUD 60 customers and the WWA. This oversight has delivered fulfillment of all statutory requirements as well as providing for long-term fiscal strength and soundness.

  • Working with others to establish a 50%-50% blend of groundwater and surface water. This blend is working to address excessive ground water aquifer withdrawal and subsequent land subsidence.

  • Worked with the President of MUD 67 as well as the Presidents of Metro Center #7, #46, #47 MUDs and others to secure an Interlocal Agreement for Joint Funding of the Bear Branch, Panther Branch and Research Forest Drainage Improvement Project.

Finally, Lux shared the various challenges that he faces in his role. As the the Woodlands celebrates its 50th anniversary, the MUDs are faced with replacing and/or rehabilitating the aging infrastructure, along with financing the costs involved to accomplish this. There is also the daily challenge of providing continuous, trouble-free service to residents, now and in the future.  


Get Involved

Lux encourages voters and residents to get involved by becoming informed about the issues, including the water needs and costs associated within your MUD. You can find out which MUD you belong to by going to the MUD Map and signing up for the Woodlands Water Weekly eblast newsletter to stay informed. Residents can also monitor their water use by using the Water Smart App.


Contact Information

Bob Lux, Woodlands Water Association President,
Woodlands MUD #60 President

Phone: (281) 367-1271
Website: Woodlands Water Agency (WWA)

2455 Lake Robbins Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380

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Harry Hardman, City of Conroe Councilman, Place 3


Tiffany Nelson, CISD Trustee, Position 1