Confirming Ownership and Authority Over All Montgomery County Republican Party Assets Both Tangible and Intangible by the County Executive Committee Except Those Exempted by Law

WHEREAS, on March 7, 2023, attendees at an illegitimately called CEC meeting passed a resolution titled “ Party Asset Ownership Resolution” (Resolution); and

WHEREAS, the Resolution states TEC 171.028 “outlines safeguards for Party assets when they are under the control of the Party Chairman;” and

WHEREAS, TEC 171.028 requires the transition (of a former chair to a newly elected chair) of bank accounts over which the former chair has authority, original records, precinct chair and county chair canvass results, candidate applications, paperwork related to the primary election and other documents concerning party affairs, and states the penalty for failure to transfer records; and

WHEREAS, this law pertains to paperwork and party records it does not pertain to assets purchased by or donated to the Republican Party; and

WHEREAS, any reasonable person would ascribe ownership of items purchased by and those donated to, to be owned and controlled by the organization, and not to any single member or representative of the organization; and

WHEREAS, the accepted 2022-2024 Bylaws, Article IV Officers, Section 5 Officer Duties, Subsection A County Chairman," states “The county chairman shall facilitate transfer of all assets (including but not limited to bank accounts, online presence, email lists, contact lists, and leased space) to the control of the Executive Committee, except for the bank accounts over which the county chair has authority pursuant to Section 171.028 of the Texas Election Code; and

WHEREAS, the attendees at the above mentioned meeting have no authority to contradict Article IV, Section 5, Subsection A of the accepted Bylaws by resolution without an amendment to the Bylaws;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the majority of the CEC retains control over and ownership of all Party assets with the exception of the Primary and Corporate Bank Accounts as required by law.

LET IT ALSO BE RESOLVED that Bryan Christ, Chairman, has no authority to disperse or dispose of Party assets such as, but not limited to office furniture, office equipment, papers, donor board, all contents of the Republican Party Headquarters.

LET IT ALSO BE RESOLVED that the majority of the CEC requires the immediate return of all party assets both tangible and intangible. Immediate is defined as within 3 business days of receipt of this resolution by Mr. Bryan Christ.
