Biden’s War on Gas Cars


June 14, 2023 | Washington, D.C.

by Heritage Action for America

Biden has proposed new environmental regulations on nearly every vehicle including passenger cars, pick-up trucks, vans, SUVs, etc., that will push the automobile industry beyond the breaking point and keep you from purchasing a gas-powered vehicle after 2032.

Under Biden’s direction, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued new regulations that would squeeze gas powered and even hybrid cars out of the market by imposing strict carbon emission standards.

If enacted, this regulation will require automobile manufacturers to cut carbon emissions on “light-duty vehicles” (cars, pickups, vans, SUVs) by 56% of current levels by model year 2032.

This would require an increase in the sales of electric-vehicles (EVs) to offset the carbon emissions of gas powered vehicles in order to achieve an overall net carbon emission reduction. Currently, EVs make up only 6% of new vehicle purchases. In just 9 years, Biden is looking to use the heavy hand of the government to grow EV sales to make up 67% of all vehicles purchased.


By law the agency must accept public comments on its proposed regulation. All unique and substantive arguments submitted must receive a written response from the administration before the regulation can be put into place. Personalizing the comment you submit will make it more impactful. So please share how Biden’s gas car ban would hurt you and your family.

Comments can force the agency to grapple with conservative arguments they would otherwise like to ignore. And comments can be used against the regulation in a court of law - leading to it being struck down. Do not underestimate how influential your comment can be. 

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