Hearing on SB 1601, defunding public libraries that promote Drag Queen Story Hour


March 23, 2023 | Austin, TX

In another attempt to deal with ‘Drag Queen Story Hours’ held at public libraries in Texas, SB 1601 seeks to deny funding to libraries that host such events.  Tomorrow, the Senate State Affairs Committee will hold a hearing at 9 a.m. on the bill, authored by Senator Bryan Hughes of Mineola, TX, District 1. 

In his statement of intent, Hughes said, “In recent years a national 501c(3) called "Drag Queen Story Hour" has begun to encourage and host events in libraries across the country. Several municipal libraries in Texas have hosted such events. 

“The state provides public money and grants to municipal libraries. S.B. 1601 would deny state funding to municipal libraries that host drag story hours or otherwise host events where persons presenting as the opposite sex read books to children for entertainment. 

“As proposed, S.B. 1601 amends current law relating to prohibiting municipal libraries that host certain events from receiving state funding.”

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Contact your Senator in support of SB 1601.


Brandon Creighton (SD-4)
(512) 463-0104 (Austin Office)
(281) 292-4128 (District Office)
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Lois Kolkhorst (SD-18)
(512) 463-0118 (Austin Office)
(979) 251-7888 (District Office)
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Paul Bettencourt (SD-7)
(512) 463-0107 (Austin Office)
(713) 464-0282 (District Office)
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