Call to Action! SB 14, Last Chance to Pass Ban on Child Gender Modification


May 9, 2023 | Austin, TX

by Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project

Our opposition has been working overtime to try to kill this very important bill to protect Texas children, from decisions that would change them forever.  For the third time, the bill has been scheduled for a floor vote, this time on Friday. Twice, SB 14 has come to the House floor for a vote and twice, it was met with a series of Points of Order that sent it back to committee to clarify mere technicalities.  

This technique is nothing more than an attempt to kill the bill, rather than risk the chance of passage and of a clear record of yeas and nays.  As surrounding states pass child gender modification bans and other much less obvious protections for their children, how would we feel if we allowed this bill to die without a vote? 

Can we live with ourselves as Texans, if we do not flood our elected officials with demands that the bill be voted upon?  Below is a plan of attack, proposed by Fran Rhodes of True Texas Project.  Can you participate?  Can you afford not to? 


Call Speaker Dade Phelan's office. Tell him that Texas kids are depending on him and the Texas House to protect them from this abuse, and that he must see that SB14 gets a fair vote in the Texas House.  Stop letting Democrats derail the vote!

Capitol office:  512-463-1000

District Office in Orange: 409-745-2777


Call Governor Abbott's office (all three numbers).  Tell him to speak out publicly and prioritize the banning of sex mutilation or chemical treatments for gender transition.  Call the Governor's office, plus the chief of staff and policy advisor.

Governor's office:  512-463-1782 or 800-843-5789

Chief of Staff Gardner Pate:  512-463-1762

Policy Advisory Steve Munisteri:  512-463-1830


Call Chairs Stephanie Klick and Dustin Burrows.  Tell them to make good on their promises to bring SB14 to a vote.  As the two people who derailed similar legislation last session, they owe it to Texans and especially Texas kids to get this bill passed.

Chair Stephanie Klick Capitol Office:  512-463-0599

Chair Dustin Burrows Capitol Office:  512-463-0542

Five simple phone calls.  It will only take a few minutes total.  We need calls, not emails this time please. 

Remember that our power comes from making it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing.  It's time to demonstrate that power!

God blessed Texas!

Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project

PS:  In addition to your calls, please pray for the passage of this bill and for the children and adults who are already suffering from this heinous practice.

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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